10. novel epiphanies

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The next couple weeks to follow they're scuffle are peaceful. Niall and Aoife meet each other inconspicuously in the library. Niall suggests that they meet here where no one can see them and Aoife agrees out of her need to be unseen.

Aoife understands but is a little hurt as to why Niall suggests the two meet in the library during open periods and the last 20 minutes of their lunch breaks. A large part of her believes that he is ashamed to be seen with her.

Niall isn't too keen that she agrees so quickly to his plan to hide in the library. He had hoped some part of her would fight him, questions him on why he wants to hide her. He planned what he would he would say if she asked him why they must hide. Extensive lies, some of which may include that his friends were assholes, or he didn't really have a free period he just hated maths, all of these stories subverting the real reason.

The truth was, Niall wanted to keep Aoife a secret. Not because he was ashamed of her, or embarrassed to be hanging out with her but because he didn't want to share her with the world quite yet.

For one, Niall hadn't been on a date in nearly a month and though he'll never admit she is the cause, a small part of him knows it's because Aoife takes up a lot of his time and energy.

They're in a state of limbo, much like the characters in the novel that Aoife is reading.

"What's that book even about?" Niall asks placing his head into his hand and staring at Aoife. Today her hair is laying in curly tendrils. Niall thinks it's cute.

"It's about these two time travelers that hate each other but have to work together to save the world." Aoife says a little more excited than she had hopes. "I suspect they'll fall in love by the end."

"How can you tell?"

"They have all the telltale signs of lovers in the making." Aoife shrugs nonchalantly.

"Go on." Niall is hanging on to every word she says.

"Well they started out hating each other. He was cocky and she was prideful and really they just don't mesh well. But the grand master," she pauses to see he's confused, "the guy who gives them their quest, he makes them train together and they sort of get into a routine and they start working together and everything looks up."

"That seems like a friendship to me." Niall states indignantly.

"You would think that." Aoife rolls her eyes and tosses her pencil at him.

Niall doesn't reply, he only thinks.

He thinks that perhaps the two characters in Aoife's book aren't far off from reality.

He thinks that maybe she's right they might fall in love.

In the back of his mind he also thinks that they're eerily similar to him and Aoife.

Niall wishes sometimes he could shut off his brain.

Hello everyone! I'm writing this because I'm hoping for my class to get cancelled tomorrow and more time to write the next chapter! I've been inspired by the rain today and I love Aoife and Niall and their story.

As always, let me know what you think :)

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