first day

589 26 3

Aurora p.o.v

I can't wait to go to the human world. we are already packed and me and Lilith are just waiting for our father at the library, so he can tell us how to go to our new home.

"I can't wait to live in the human world!!" Lilith said with enthusiasm, practically jumping in glee.

I chuckled at my sister, it confuses me at times that she is the oldest between us but yet she continues to act childish at times. Sure she can be completely serious at times and every demon who knows of our existance fears her more than me, but with me she just lets her guard down she lets me see her true side and for that i love her, as i know she loves me.

A ball of fire in the middle of the room appeared snapping me out of my thoughts. ah father has arrived in his usual fashionable flare.

"how are we going to go to the human world?" Lilith immediately asks jumping up and down as if in a sugar rush. Father just smirked at her. uh oh he is planning something.

"Come Lilith, you are both are going to go through this wall"He announced as he walks towards a wall next to the bookcase

. i roll my eyes at this as if she is going to fa-

"OH like Harry Potter!!!I thought that was all fake! ME FIRST!" I stare wide eyed as I see her run towards the wall and *BAM* she slammed against the wall making me wince. she slowly slides down the wall painfully"owwwww" I can't help but burst out laughing at Lilith, and father joins in. haha her expression is priceless. I begin to roll down in the floor laughing, and soon tears begin to roll down my face as i continue to laugh.

"That was sooo not funny!!"Lilith yells out at me.

"!!!!!" i say inbetween breath as i continue to laugh. SHE EVEN LEFT A DENT ON THE WALL!!!

"Ok Lilith I had my fun"Father says with a serous expression effectively ending my laughter."you are both must appear human as possible, am i clear"

"yes, No claws or cat ears or tail or sharp teeth, no showing our abilities to humans, unless they are our dinner" we both say. "we know father, you've kept drilling that into our heads" and with that we hide our demonic features.

"No demon must know you are my daughters, they might try to use that for their advantage"

"Alright father"

He snapped his fingers and immediately a wall of fire erupted in front of us.

"This is your door out of Hell" he says with a smirk. "Be safe, and keep your identities hidden. I will see you girls from time to time."

"Alright father"

"can we go" Lilith asked, he nods at her, and she quickly drags me along with her into the fire wall. I close my eyes as i reach the wall, afraid this might be another prank, but i feel nothing. I open my eyes and i am welcomed with a fresh smell unlike our home where you can smell death at every corner and a beautiful bedroom. Walls are painted black with beautiful white designs on the wall, Crystal chandeler hanging from the wall. A big king size bed, with black and red comfortors, with matching pillows, a beautiful vanity mirror with makeup (as if we need it) a book case is also in the room, a Big wooden wardrobe painted white. This room is beautiful. Next to the bed there is a little drawer with a letter on it. Lilith must have spotted it too since she is the first one to get it.

"My dear little devils,

I hope your rooms are to your liking, you will also have two servants who are to do as you wish, their names are Robert and Lucien, they are also are to be your guards, no one must know that you can fend for yourself always keep your enemies thinking you are weak, and when they least expect it stab them in the back. Do enjoy yourselves during your time in the human world. Aurora do keep Lilith in check.

Your father." she read "huh, rooms. so im going to guess this is my room since its more my style, lets go see your room, and then we are going to check on this so called sebastian and ciel since they are the only ones in London"

"I told you he was real!" i gloated once more as i walked out of her room. I love it when I'm correct. I can't wait to see Sebastian and Ciel. huh ciel must be older now since he is also an option for us to marry. *Mentally fist pumps the air with a fangirl scream*

We didnt had to walk much, my room was across Liliths, mostly everything is the same except the coloring, the walls are a beautiful robin blue color with white designs, the bedding is with the same colors, other than that everything is the same.

"ok now lets go to the Phantomhive Manor" Lilith suddenly stated with an annoyed expression, i just smirked at that. ~Wait till you see Sebastian my dear Lilith~'shut up'

As I was about to reach for the door , it is swung open. Two handsome demons approach us in a butlers uniform.

"Hello, Mistresses, I am Lucien" One of them says. He is tall, muddy brown/red eyes, he has short blond hair, emo style with bangs falling over his eyes, slightly muscular.

"And i am Robert, at your service" He bows respectfully, same emo style except his hair is black, an enticing lip piercing and honey colored eyes. both are cute but not what i want.

"Nice to meet you, my sister and i are going for a little trip, we will be back in an hour or two, and i would like it if you would make one of those oh so famous chocolate cakes i hear so much about" Lilith says in an authorative voice. They both bow and leave the room with out a word.

=5 minutes later=

"i can't believe we are here" i begin to hyperventilate as we watch Sebastian walking toward Ciel who looks to be alot older than from the manga he looks about 18 and has similar appearance of sebastian. He is currently outside sitting and reading a book, we watch from our hidding spot among the trees. 'I take back everything about black butler being garbage' lilith says in a gasp once she sees sebastian~hehe told you soo~'i want a closer look'~NO!!~ but its too late, she jumps down and turns into a black cat, and effectively hides her demonic aura, and she dashes towards the butler. I am soo going to kill her*Sighs* and i too turn into a white cat and i run towards Lilith, but i stop and hide as i see that sebastian had noticed my sister. His eyes go soft when he sees her and he bends down towards her and strokes her fur, she purrs and rubs her head against his leg.

"such a beautiful and magnificent creature she is" He cooes at her"such soft paws" he squeezes her paws gently ~ -_-" how I wish it was me he was holding~

"Sebastian, get that cat out of here" Ciel demands when he sees that his butler is being distracted. Sebastian sighs and as he is about to hold her. Lilith jumps up and onto his head and jumps up on to Ciels lap, she puts her front paws onto his chest and leaned forward and she licked his nose. Before anyone could react she turned around and flicked her tail at his dumbfounded face, unfortunately sebastian didnt stayed shocked for too long and quickly got a hold of her just as she was about to jump off ciel.

*sighs*thats my cue to help her. I quickly runup to the butler and jump on his arm and bite down on the hand that he was holding my sister with, he doesnt let go at first so I used abit of my paralizing abilities on his arm to make him drop her. Once it worked and lilith was on the floor I just bit her tail and dragged her away leaving the shocked men behind. ~you are soo gonna pay, lilith, you just made me bite him! And later when he knows me and learns that I bit him what will he think!~"im sorry, but they are both rather cute, and I wanted a closer look. Im bored lets annoy Ciel some more!"~No!~'common I know you want to'~no~I sigh'but im bored'she complained. I keep on dragging her until we reach a safer area to hide. We turn back to our human forms.

"I know what we'll do, lets spy on them for a while" she says with a certain evil sparkle in her red eyes.

"Alright" secretly I want to learn more about sebastian. Yes, I cant wait.

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