Humpty dumpty fell

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It feels hollow inside

How life is like a ride

One with no guide

I've been always pushed to side

This hollow feeling my chest

I wonder, when will it rest?

It feels like my heart is being eaten by pest

And I even feeling they are having a fest

I feel really empty

Just like humpty dumpty

Who fell and was given pity

How cruel is this city

How could this go away?

Words that I will never say

And all I do is pray

That this feeling wouldn't stay

I couldn't even muster up a smile

There's feeling in my stomach that is bile

I have problems, yeah there's pile

I feel like throwing up on our tile

My life is full of shit

And things that are bullshit

I get every hit

And I feel like I deserve every bit

Life frustrates me

And I never felt free

Everything has a fee

And I just can't be who I ever want to be

I have to deal with shit everyday

And with all the sins I've, I pay

I've had never felt so gay

My life is like a game that people play

If I would just cease to exist

I would make a list

Of those who are racist

Who sends hates to someone like me that's a beast

Pretending to happy

Even if my day is crappy

Is quite my hobby

To me life is quite snappy and snobby

I feel too sad from the usual

I could feel the removal

That is gradual

And it makes me emotional

I want to disappear

And it is crystal clear

I shiver in fear

And I hide my tear

All I do is sigh

All I know is I want to die

When into my business people pry

They just make me want to cry

All I feel is grief

My happiness has been stolen by a thief

In this world full of mischief

Where everybody has their own belief

We think we are superior

But in truth we are inferior

Do not just look at the interior

See beneath their ulterior

  I'm bathing in self hate

Maybe because its my fate

When life opened the gate

All this hate had landed on my plate  

You wouldn't understand

And I know you can't stand

Because your life isn't bland

And I know, that your life is worth a grand

  I'm hurt

Because I'm just this loser import

Who was given birth

But regretted and instead wished that she should've abort  

"Are you okay?" are the words I wish to hear

By my own ear

And realize I have a peer

I'll say "thank god, its been a year"

This teenager 

Who is hit by a dagger

Where you pull the trigger

I've never felt any bigger

Everybody forgets about the one who fell, 

The one who got through hell

But won't kiss and tell

My name doesn't even ring a bell

Humpty Dumpty

I feel empty

Enlighten me please

I don't want to be alone in this cold night breeze

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