Parent Argument

312 7 5

September 1


Sending my boy off to Hogwarts was fun for me and Astoria, but after she passed away it just leaves me in despair. I have no one other than my parents who split and went their separate ways.

For days I have been awaiting a letter from my son. He said he would have told Albus by now and I'm afraid something bad has happened and at that exact moment a owl flew threw the window. Not Scorpius's his was grey, this one was light brown.
The letter it was holding had two papers inside.

Dear Mr. Malfoy,
Your son Scorpius Malfoy fainted in potions class on today. It is unclear why this happened and we were unable to contact you until now.
Minerva Mcgonagall

The second letter was written under a different hand, not Scorpius's either.

Dear Mr. Malfoy,
I want to inform you me and your son are together now, we kissed when he woke up in the hospital wing, I just wanted you to know so we weren't being secretive. Please tell my father, he should be in Diagon ally.
Albus Potter.

I grabbed floo powder.

"Diagon Ally!" And green flames engulfed me.

Diagon Ally wasn't as packed as it was on my first time coming here. Me and Hagrid passed Weasly Wizard Wheezes owned by Ron and George Weasly, and walked into Ollivanders Wand shop.

The shop was as dusty as before, and the old man sat behind his desk looked up and gasped.

"Hagrid my dear boy, I am so proud of you, I suppose you need a new wand."

"Grandad, you shouldn't be walking around." A young boy came around the shelves. "I'm John, his grandson, I run the shop most of the time, now come on grandpa lets go back to your room."

"No, I have to give this man a wand." He said in a raspy voice.

"Now how about this one." He said grabbing one off the shelf and handing it to Hagrid. Immediately a glow surrounded him. It is his wand. "Ah just as I presumed. Oak wood, unicorn hair 9 and a half inches."

The door burst open and Draco covered in soot walked in.

"Harry, we need to talk about our boys."


We sat in the Leaky Cauldron while Hagrid finished getting robes fitted.

"Read this letter first, it's from Mcgonagall, then the other."

I read the first one.

"I'm sorry Draco, is he alright?"

"Yea he's fine, read the next one"

My eyes widened as I read the words we kissed when he woke up in the hospital wing.

"What the hell?" Was all I could say.

"How do you feel about it Potter?"

"I'm not a fan."

"Now look Potter you better not tell Albus he can't be seeing my son because the last time he asked some one out HE CAME BACK CRYING WHEN THEY SAID NO SO POTTER THEY ARE FUCKING GOING TO BE TOGETHER!" He raised his voice. By the end of the sentence he had everyone looking at us.

"I guess I'm Happy as long as my son is happy."

"When's Scorpius's birthday?"

"September 20th, why." He asks confused.

"That's in a few weeks. We should get something for them."

"Like what? Matching brooms?"

"God no, Albus hates sports, nothing from here something from the muggle world. A necklace that mirrors the one who bears the other. We can enchant them to do something once they are made. When they come together they will form a heart, and the eyes can be their birth stones."

"That's a great idea Potter. We should go straight away.

~-muggle world-~

"Harry what about Zales"(sorry if you don't have that store in England)

"Sure, I mean, why not." We walked into the store.

A muggle sales lady in fancy clothing came up to us.

"Welcome what were you two men looking for today."

Draco spoke first.

"We were wondering if you had a heart necklace made out of snakes and If you do could you separate them into two necklaces."

"Yes sir we do, and a extra charge will be added to split it though. And just so you know Zales supports all race, gender, and sexual orientation."

"Oh-were not um together." Draco and I said at the same time.

"Oh, I'm sorry would you like any other special items on the necklace?"


This is a gift from Mr. Malfoy and I for being brave enough to come out. Love you and don't show this to Scorpius this is a birthday present for him.
Your father

On the small box I wrote

Do not open until September 20th

(Just imagine one with Sapphire eyes for Scorpius and topaz for Albus

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(Just imagine one with Sapphire eyes for Scorpius and topaz for Albus. And this is the way it looks together when there separated they form into a "S")

Yay three updates under a twenty four our period!!! And I am open to suggestions so if you have any comments feel free! And sorry this chapter had no Scorbus fluff.

Harry Potter and a Change in Time (Albus X Scorpius)Where stories live. Discover now