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~Years Later~ 

I quickly waved my paint bursh in the air, opening a portal. Tingling with excitement, I jumped through the portal, ending up in my favorite AU. I dashed through the front yard I had fallen into and knocked on the door. "Who's there?"  

"You know who!" I giggled. Fresh opened the door, a wide smile on his face. "What's up Y/N?" "Not much," I lied, happily tapping my heels together. "Oh, really? Heh, babe. I can tell there's something. What is it?" I smiled brightly. "I have a great idea!"

~Hours Later~

"Okay okay! (yay) I think it's done!" I said, jumping down from the stool I was using to put up a decoration. 

"Good," Fresh said tiredly, coming to my side.

 "Oh, wait, one more thing." I said, facing him. 

"Yeah?" Fresh asked, raising his bone brow as I just stared at him. I used my pointer finger to flip his shades off. They flew up into the air and I quickly caught them. 

"H-hey!" He stuttered, trying to reach them as I held the shades high over my head. 

"Hey, just for once don't wear them." His face fell and he closed his eyes, turning a bit. "Oh, come on. I think your eyes are beautiful. You look nice without the shades on." I said, stuffing the shades into my pocket. 

"'Beautiful', eh?" Fresh faced me again, a small blush on his face. 

"Well, uh, yeah..." I blushed a bit too. Fresh chuckled.

"You too." He ruffled my hair. "Just tonight." 

"Thanks!" I hugged him then pulled out my paintbrush. "Now for the guests." I ran around the yard, swinging my paintbrush in all different directions to open portals into different AUs. I called into the last one. "We're ready!" I shouted. 

Whirring sounds came from each portal and out stepped all of my friends. I smiled as the yard was filled with people from many different AUs. A felt a tap on my shoulder and turned round to see Colleen. "HI!" I said loudly, high five-ing her. 

"Thank's for inviting me." She said. 

"I could never not invite my best friend!" I told her brightly. 

"Yep. I have someone special for you to meet." Coll told me. She stepped to the side and I had to squint my eyes a bit to recognize the person behind her.

"H-h-h-heeeello." They said, waving. 

"No way! You reset yourself!?" I said, getting closer to them. 

"H-h-how'd yoooou know that?!" The girl asked, perplexed. 

"Magic of course." I giggled. 

Pixel rolled her eyes. "Of course." She mimicked me. 

"Ha, nice to meet you too." I chuckled, reaching out my hand. Pixel's eyes widened and she jumped back, shaking a bit. I raised my eyebrow in confusion. 

"Haphephobia." Coll told me. 

"Oh, I am soooo sorry!" I said, hesitantly putting my hand down. Pixel tried to stay cool by rolling her eyes at me.

Everyone got along just as I wanted them too. The party was full of surprises and Fresh had picked out all the perfect music for it. As everyone had settle down a bit, I flew up on a hover board I created with my paintbrush so I could make myself clear. 

"May I please have everyone's attention!" I called. The guests slowly quieted down and faced me. "Now," I cleared my throat. "I hope everyone here has made new friends and all of the such." I said. A few murmurs of agreement rippled through the crowd. Excitement rose up in my chest as I lifted my paintbrush high in the air. "I have someone very, very special for you all to meet." I said happily. Throwing my paintbrush towards the back of the crowd, I shouted out: "Take it away Ink!" Screams rang out as my special guest caught the brush.

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