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(Y/N) yawned as she sat up in her bed, she didn't get much sleep that night as she could hear screams and insane laughter coming from the room. She didn't like living here. She decided to get up and go for a shower to clean herself. After doing so, she walked out of her room and to the kitchen to get a snack as she knew that Joker would still be sleeping. (Y/N) decided on an apple as she wasn't too hungry.

The girl heard footsteps behind her whilst she bit into the apple, she turned around to be met by Ashton, he smiled and spoke softly "Hello."

"Hi." (Y/N) smiled at him and then glanced at her apple.

"Happy birthday." He smiled and took out a birthday bag from behind his back and handed it to her.

She blushed and looked at the bag, "A-Ashton, you shouldn't have.."

"I wanted to. Now, open it." He watches her as she takes out a long black, thin box and then opens it. She takes out a beautiful necklace and then looks at him. Her arms find their way around his neck and she smiles whilst hugging him. The necklace was gold with a small, shiny heart.

"Thank you." She whispers as he wraps his arms around her waist and holds her close to him.

"It's okay." He whispers back whilst smiling.

As they let go of each other, Ashton helps her put it on and then walks out of the kitchen because they heard Joker start to walk downstairs. (Y/N) smiles and runs her fingers across the necklace.

"Good morning." Joker walks in and speaks with his attractive morning voice.

She turns around and looks at him, "M-Morning." He sighs and decides to not make the chef prepare food today, he wanted to cook something with her. Together.

"Doll face, how well can you cook?" He asks as he looks at her and leans his elbow on the counter to support his weight.

"I'm pretty good." She smiles and bites her lip.

"Fantastic, lets make breakfast." He says and walks over to where she is. They start making a Full English as they were both craving it. Once they finished, they took it to the table and sat down then ate peacefully. Days like this make (Y/N) think that Joker isn't always the man she is afraid of; the man who hurts her. She realises that he can be a nice man, someone who can care for her, someone who can be good to her. Days like this make (Y/N)'s heart increase its beat, they make her wish for them to last, and for them to repeat.

"Have you decided how you will get Harley out?" (Y/N) asked quietly.

He shook his head and ran a hand through his hair, "No. She's been put into one of those metal cells, meaning that I'd have to actually go in and get her. I'm not ready for that yet." (Y/N) just nodded.

As they finished eating, Joker said he still had some business to do so he let (Y/N) go back to her room and relax. All she did was stress out though, she wanted to see her family on this special day. On her birthday. But she knew she couldn't, she knew she had to appreciate what Joker is offering her now.


"Joker said to tell you to get ready." Ashton walked into the girls room and looked at her.

She looked up at him and smiles, "For what?"

"He said for a dinner? You went out shopping a few nights ago for it, right?" He asked as he sighed and looked at her neck, smiling once he saw the necklace.

"Oh, yeah," She smiles and stands up, "I'll be ready soon." He nodded and walked out.

(Y/N) decided to shower again and then she got out. She put her hair into her favourite hairstyle and dos her makeup. She put on the dress and heels and then looked at herself. The bruises on her arms showed faintly, she let out a shaky breath and then sat down on the closed toilet seat. She felt useless, stupid and depressed. She decided to shake the feeling off. It's her birthday and she's going to enjoy the day.

She stood up and walked out of the bathroom then her bedroom. She made her way down the stairs and her eyes met win Ashton's. He was grinning and his cheeks held a small pink blush, "Joker is in the living room." She nodded and smiled, making her way there.

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