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// I'm sorry these chapters have been awful lately

"J? Can you please let her go." Harley spoke softly as she looked at the man that used to love her which now stared at her blankly.

"Harley, I don't want to let her go, she'd tell everyone where we are," He sighs slightly and then shakes his head, "Whatever. I have to go." Joker walks out of his bedroom and to where (Y/N) was waiting.

She looks at him and smiles, "Thank you for this dress."

"My pleasure." He takes her hand and leads her to the doorway, but before they can fully reach it, a loud voice calls them out.

"Let her go, Puddin'." Harley says and stares at the pair in front of her.

"Harley, stop being selfish." Joker speaks slowly as he stares at the insanely beautiful girl standing in front of him.

(Y/N) sighed and decided to speak up, "It w-would be nice if you let me go. I could finally be free."

Joker slapped her, he slapped her hard and rolled his eyes, "How stupid."

The (H/C) haired girl placed her (S/C) hand on her now red cheek, she gulped and kept her eyes on the ground. Why did he act so nicely to her and then treated her as if she was a bag of rubbish? She wasn't his toy he could use to take his anger out on. She is a human, a living person with feelings and emotions that shouldn't be played with.

A few tears welled up in her eyes as she kept looking at the floor. (Y/N) ignored the argument the ex lovers were having, she didn't want to interfere. Her tears fell softly out of her dull (E/C) coloured eyes. What was the point in keeping an act up when she wanted to leave so badly? She wanted to leave after realising all her positive emotions towards Joker were probably just there to keep her from killing herself. 

"P-Please let me go." She whispered as tears now fell freely from her eyes.

The green haired man looked at her and felt the slightest bit of pity as his heart felt like it dropped out of his chest. He swallowed hard and closed his eyes whilst massaging his temple. Joker ran his hand through his now messy hair and looked at Harley, then at (Y/N).

"Puddin', she clearly doesn't want to be here right now. Let her leave." Harley stated, jealousy clear in her voice.

Joker sighed as he looked at (Y/N), he examined her features. Her once shining eyes were dull and filled with no happiness, her posture more sloppy and uncomfortable rather than straight and outgoing. She is much thinner than she was before he took her. Does he not give her enough food?

He pressed his lips in a thin line and called one of his henchmen, "Take her away. Leave her somewhere in the middle of town and give her this," He grabbed his wallet out of his pocket and put a few bills into the henchman's hand, "Let her find her own place, leave as soon as he gets out of the car."

The henchman nodded and stuffed the money into his pocket whilst grabbing (Y/N)'s arm and leading her away. She looked at Harley who was smirking whilst crossing her arms, and then at the Joker who held a small and hardly visible frown on his pale face. He shouldn't have gotten (Y/N) involved at all. She was innocent and pure, he completely ruined her. His hand reached out towards her as if he could possibly grab her and bring her back. But that wasn't possible.

(Y/N) sat down in the backseat of the car and put her seatbelt on and the henchman started driving. She looked out of the window and looked at the warehouse which looked so ugly on the outside but was so beautiful inside. She smiled and closed her eyes. She's free.

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