Chapter Thirteen

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" You know, for having such a bleak outlook on pirates you’re well on your way to becoming one. Sprung a man and a woman from jail, commandeered a ship of the Fleet, sailed with a buccaneer crew out of Tortuga, getting close to my sister," Jack says as the three of them look at the gold on the bottom of the little river. "And you’re completely obsessed with treasure,"
"That's not true. I am not obsessed with treasure," Will defended himself as the three got out of the boat as the cave was in view.
"Not all treasure is solver and hold mate," Lorena said as Jack, Will, and Lorena were in the cave hiding as Barbossa was beginning his ritual.
"Gentlemen, the time has come! Our salvation is nigh! Our torment is near at end." Barbossa boomed causing the crowd to cheer at his words.
Lorena rolled her eyes as Jack looked over at her.
"If you don't feel comfortable you can always head back to the ship,"
"No I'm good Barbossa and I truly have unfinished business,"
"Same here mate,"
"Elizabeth," Will breathed out as Lorena frowned at him.
The past few days she's been feeling something for the boy, but she knows she can't truly have him. Sure they've kissed a few times, flirted, and even fought with each other but Lorena couldn't possibly be in love with this boy. He loves the woman in front of him Lorena is a fool thinking he'd chose her over Elizabeth.
"For ten years we’ve been tested and tried, and each man jack of you  here has proved his mettle a hundred times over and a hundred times again!" Barbossa's voice boomed again as the crowd continued to cheer.
"Suffered I have," she heard a man Ragetti say.
"Punished, we were. The lot of us - disproportionate to our crimes!Here it is," he said as he throws off the chest’s lid. "The cursed treasure of Cortés himself. Every last piece that went astray, we have returned…save for this." He says pointing to the medallion on Elizabeth's neck.
Will scrambles up upsetting some of the treasure as the two looked at him.
"Jack! Lorena!" He calls as she pulled him back down.
"Not yet we wait for the opportune moment," Lorena says looking at Will as he looked back at her.
"881 pieces we found but despaired of  ever finding the last,"
"When's that? When it's the greatest profit to the both of you?"
"May we ask you something? Have we ever given you reason not to trust me? Do us a favor I know it’s difficult for you, but please stay here and try not to do anything stupid, that'll put my sister in danger,"
"And who among us has paid the blood sacrifice owed to the heathen gods?"
"And whose blood must yet be paid?"
"You know the first thing I’m goin’ to do after the curse is lifted? Eat a whole bushel of apples. And if I ever find Lorena Sparrow she's be the first woman to take on my pleasures,  Begun by blood…by blood undone," Barbossa says causing the two men to look at Lorena as she made a disgusted face.
"In your dreams Barbossa," she mumbled.
"Come on Lorena," Jack says grabbing her hand as the two got up from there hiding spot and began walking away.
"Forgive me Lorena," Will says hitting her in the head with an oar making her fall to the ground as he hit Jack before he had time to turn around. "Sorry guys but I'm not going to be your leverage,"
Jack was the first to awaken as he groaned. He had a splitting headache as he remembered that the whelp knocked him out. His eyes snapped open as he saw his sister on the ground still out cold.
"Lorena come on get up," Jack says in a worried voice as he began shaking her.
Lorena groaned as her eyes slowly opened causing Jack to breath a sigh of relief.
"Jackie what happened? Where's Will?"
"Well from the looks of things your bloody boyfriend knocked us out and left us here,"
"He's so not my boyfriend,"
"Is too I saw that make out session,"
"It's just a phase you act like I'm in love with him,"
"I see it in your eyes that you do,"
"Shut up he loves Elizabeth okay it would never work anyways plenty of strong, big men I could have,"
"You two," Ragetti says shock on his face as he saw the two bickering.
"You both are supposed to be dead," Pintel points out as the pirates surround the two.
Lorena and Jack looked down at themselves.
"Are we not? Oh," Jack says as Pistols were pointed at the both of them.
Lorena began screaming when a pirate grabbed her.
"LET ME GO!" She shouted causing Jack's eyes to widen when he saw her struggling as a pirate took her to Barbossa.
"Lorena," Barbossa breathed out seeing the beautiful woman before him he reached out to stroke her hair when the pirate released her as she was on her knees if front of him.
"You came back to me," he says hoisting her up as he grabbed his arm so she wouldn't leave.
"I didn't come back for you I'm here with my brother," she says struggling out of his grip.
"No need to struggle so much darling you and I can finally be together again,"
"In your dreams,"
"Palulay…palu-li-la-la-lulu, parlili… parsnip, pasley, par -  partner, partner-" Jack tries as he cursed at himself for forgetting the pirate word with his sister in danger.
"Parley Jack?" Lorena asked with a raised eyebrow as Barbossa still had a hard grip on her.
"Parley that's the one, Parley! Parley!"
"Parley? Down to the depths whatever man that thought up “parley!" Pintel says as they lowered there weapons on Jack.
"That would be the French and before I say anything else I'll be needing my sister back. Barbossa if you please," Jack said with a hard gaze.

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