Chapter Fourteen

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"I think not this time Jack Sparrow ye cannot kill us. You'll have to try another method this time, how in blazes did you two get off that island?" Barbossa asked as he had an arm around Lorena's waist gripping as she tried struggling but couldn't get out of his grip.
"When you marooned us on that godforsaken spit of land, you forgot two very important things, mate. We are Captain Jack Sparrow and first mate Lorena Sparrow,"
"Ah, well, I won’t be making that mistake again. Gents, you all remember Captain Jack Sparrow ? Kill him." the pirates all point their weapons at Jack as Lorena trashed around in Barbossa's arms.
"NO DONT HURT HIM BARBOSSA YOU HAVE TO STOP!" Lorena shouted with tears in her eyes as Barbossa only grinned.
"The girls blood didn't work did it?"
"Hold your fire!" Barbossa barks as the pirates groaned and lowered their weapons. "You know whose blood we need?"
"I know who's blood ye need but first my sister now or there's no use telling and you'll be stuck undead for an eternity without ever knowing who's blood you'll need,"
"Your bluffing she's mine!"
"Am I? Am I truly bluffing?"
"Jack no you'll put him in danger you cant-"
"Hush dear sister and let me handle this Barbossa do we have an accord?"
Barbossa sighed as he looked down at Lorena.
"Don't worry my love I'll have ye back soon," he says before roughly grabbing her shoulders and pushed her forward towards Jack hard enough that she was stumbling as he caught her in his arms.
"Are you okay?"
"Jack you can't do this to him,"
Jack smiled at his sister as she wrapped her arms around his waist.
"You care for him even after everything hes done,"
"Yes okay. I care about the whelp happy now?"
"All I wanted you to do was admit it he's not in real danger trust me," Jack whispers as Lorena looked up at him with a smile.
"I love you Jack,"
"Love ye too baby sister,"
Back on the interceptor Elizabeth was bandaging her palm as she looked at Will as she noticed his face looked pale and guilty.
"Will what's the matter?" She asked frowning.
"I left her behind and Barbossa wants her how much of a fool I am? He could do anything to her,"
"You love her? Jack's sister?" Elizabeth asked shock written on her face.
Will didn't answer right away as Elizabeth scolded at him.
"Will she's a pirate!" She hissed at him but also hurt that he chose a pirate over her.
"I know but Lorena's a good woman. She's not like the other pirates Elizabeth now she hates me I'm sure,"
"Will I will never understand why you fell for a pirate but I'm sure she doesn't hate you, and besides what kind of a man trades another man's life for a ship? Wasn't Lorena in on it too?"
"Pirates. Here let me," Will says bandaging up her hands.
"Thank you,"
"You said you gave Barbossa my name as yours why?"
"I don't know," she responds wincing as he pulled too hard.
"In sorry blacksmiths hands, I know there rough,"
"No. I mean yes.... They are but don't stop,"
"Elizabeth my heart belongs to another I'm sorry but Lorena has truly captured me.... I love her," he admits looking down.
Will couldn't believe he was admitting it having him feel even worse on what he did to her.
"It's yours," Elizabeth said in a cold voice as she pulled out a familiar looking medallion.
"I thought I’d lost it the day they rescued me. It was a gift from my father. He sent it to me. Why did you take it?"
"Because I was afraid that you were a pirate. That would have been awful. You would have never met Lorena if they found out,"
"It wasn’t your blood they needed. It was my father’s blood…my blood…the blood of a pirate,"
"Will I'm sorry please forgive me," Elizabeth tries as he slams down the medallion causing Elizabeth to get up and leave.
'Lorena' Will thought clutching onto the medallion while closing his eyes.
Lorena and Jack were in the captain's Cabin as Lorena had a raised eyebrow when she saw pictures of her on his desk. Some of them were with Jack and others were of her commanding the crew to clean the deck. She glanced at Barbossa.
"Like what I've done with the place? I've missed you very much darlin' you were the only thing that kept me going," Barbossa says as Jack slams his fists down at the table.
"Enough Barbossa we have other manners to discuss," Jack hissed glaring at his ex second mate.
"So you expect to leave me standing on some beach with nothing but a name and your word it’s the one I need and watch you two sail away in my ship?" Barbossa asked glancing at the siblings.
"No," Lorena began leaning on the table as she was close to Barbossa's face. "We expect to leave you standing on some beach with absolutely no name at all, watching us sail away on our ship and then Jack here will shout the name back to you. Savvy?"
"Ah. Just like yer brother when it comes to thinking darlin', but that still leaves us with the problem of me standing on some beach with naught but a name and your word it’s the one I need,"
"Of the three of us, we are the only one who hasn't committed mutiny, therefore…my word and Lorena's is the one we'll be trusting. Although…I suppose we should be thanking you because, in fact, if you hadn’t betrayed us and left us to die, we would have an equal share in that curse, same as you," Jack says as he bites into an apple. "Funny ol' world, innit?" Jack says offering him the bitten apple.
Lorena jumped when Bo'Sun enters into the room.
"Captain, were coming up on the interceptor," he says as Jack looked over at his sister who held a smile.
"Will," she breathed out quietly so no one but Jack could hear as Barbossa walked passed them and up on deck having the two run after him and stand in front of him at the bow blocking the interceptor.
"I’m having a thought here, Barbossa. What say we run up a flag of truce? My sister and I scurry over to the Interceptor, and we negotiate the return of your medallion, eh? What say you to that?"
"Now you see, Jack , that’s exactly the attitude that lost you the Pearl . People are easy to search when they’re dead.  Lock him in the brig," he says as he throws Jack's apple in the ocean.
"What about me sister?"
"She comes with me, gents let's see what Lorena Sparrow has to offer eh?" He asked the crowd cheering as Jack and Lorena's eyes widened.
"NO YOU CANT BARBOSSA PLEASE! JACKIE!" Lorena screamed in fright as Barbossa threw her against the crowd as they began feeling and touching all over her.
"No Barbossa please you have to stop this if you truly loved my sister you wouldn't let anything happen to her," Jack says struggling to get free so he can protect his sister.
Barbossa laughed as the pirates holding Jack gripped him tighter.
"She's yer only weakness Sparrow. And besides we need a woman on the ship who can do us pleasures,"
"JACK!" Was the last thing he heard before he was taken down below. 

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