EnnoTana |Happy Little Pill

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In the crowd, alone.

Ennoshita was on the bench, teammates beside him, people in the stadium watching the game between Karasuno and Aoba Johsai. Yet, Ennoshita still felt alone, as if no one was there just himself.

Ever second passing remind in not home.

He just wanted to go home and lay in bed, just to think, but unable to sleep due to being too deep in thought. This happened often although, he would apply under eye makeup to make it seem not obvious, yet someone noticed. Tanaka.

My happy little pill take me away

Tanaka made him happy but he didn't understand why, maybe it was because Tanaka was always trying to make him laugh when he seemed down the most which made Ennoshita think that maybe he caught on the fact he used makeup to hide the bags under his eyes due to not sleeping.

They were at practice, Ennoshita was taking a water break when Tanaka came up to him "I have to talk to you, in private," the baldy told him in a serious tone, which was highly unusual for him.

Ennoshita nodded slowly "Sure," he replied and stood up, the water bottle still in his hand but was held at his side. Tanaka grabbed his hand and dragged him outside the gym and down the small amount of steps. He took him behind the gym and finally let go of his wrist which was kind of hurt in by now. "What did you want to talk to me about?" Ennoshita asked, trying to seem not obvious.

"The makeup, the fake smiles, the lying," he answered and stared him straight in the eyes to show how serious he was.

"You know?" Ennoshita asked, his eyes slightly wide due to the fact Tanaka has noticed, but how? The other hadn't, so why him?

"Of course I know, why wouldn't I? We're teammates after all," Tanaka replied looking at him worriedly "What's wrong?" He asked, his voice sounded soft and caring unlike the usual carefree tone he usually used.

"I feel like I'm being left behind," Ennoshita finally answered, hesitant at first because he was unsure if he should be honest or not "I also am I already stressed from school," he added although that wasn't necessarily true, he just wanted to make Tanaka worry less.

Tanks frowned a bit at his words "You shouldn't feel left behind? You're trying harder than everyone to try and make it on the team and you'll make eventually, don't bring yourself down," he advised as he stepped closer to Ennoshita. He seemed a bit nervous for some unknown reason but that finally made sense when a hand cupped his cheek. Tanaka slowly leaned in and kissed him directly on the lips.

Ennoshita was froze for a moment. Was this really happening?! Sure, he'd had feelings for Tanaka for a little while now but he didn't think Tanaka would feel the same, especially with the fact he obsessed over Kiyoko. Although, he eventually relax and kissed back until Tanaka pulled away.

"What was that for?" Ennoshita asked softly, still a bit surprised with a blush dusted across his cheeks.

"I..." Tanaka paused for a moment as if thinking of what to say "I love you," he answered, surprised Ennoshita even more

"I love you too,"


So~ How'd you like it? I really like this ship so you know here it is! Hope you enjoyed, don't forget to leave requests if you like. ~ Kei

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