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"Students, as you approach the age of fifteen, letters will begin to assemble on your wrist. Those letters will form the first word that your soulmate will ever speak to you, and will be forever tattooed onto your body. When you meet this person, I suggest you damn well get used to them. It wasn't coincidence that your first words to them are tattooed on their wrist."

Matthew Patrick always felt so happy whenever he looked at his left wrist, the neatly written 'you're so beautiful' placed there forever.

He'd struggled with bullying all his life, trying to find self acceptance in who he was. Coming from a very traditional and religious family, being homosexual was something that wasn't accepted very easily by anyone. He could only hope to whatever higher being there was that his soulmate was a male, just to prove to his family that he was born this way and there was a reason he was beautiful.

Not handsome, but beautiful.

He felt so pretty whenever he looked at it, giggling in the middle of class as it caught his eye when writing. Other people had slurs tattooed on their wrist, some insults. His best friend Stephanie had bitch tattooed on her, and was forced into wearing bracelets or long sleeved clothing that covered it up.

Nothing could touch him whenever he looked at the tattoo, it didn't matter how hard people tried to upset them. Calling him homophobic slurs didn't work when he was looking at it, he knew they were just jealous. Bullies with stop on their wrist, some with you're a horrible person. They'd pay for the life they chose to lead.

That's why the tattoos weren't there at birth. As you developed into the person you are, it would show how your soulmate would react. Matthew didn't know what he did to deserve being called beautiful by a person who had never seen him before, but he knew he did something right.

However, he was ending high school soon. Being eighteen and not having found your soulmate yet was a bad sign, especially when it only took some people as little as two months to find their's. What if his soulmate didn't live in the United States? He didn't have enough money to leave, and then he'd die alone.

That's the only insult that would hurt him.

He remembered specifically being told by a boy named Brett that: "nearing three years, huh, Patrick? Aren't you a little worried you were given that tattoo just to feel better? No one will ever love you, and if they do, you won't find them in time."

He heard stories of people who never found their soulmate. He hears stories of people who rotted alone in their apartment with no one to love and no one to return the feeling to them. It ripped people apart and it destroyed them, you were nothing without your soulmate.

Matthew never dealt with loneliness very well, and he knew he wouldn't last long without someone to be with him and support him forever.

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