Midnight Festival

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Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

I woke up, groggily, to the sound of my Pokégear. I picked up the gear and clicked the 'talk' button.

"He-Hello?" I yawned.
"____! I NEED TO TALK TO YOU! THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!" Blue screeched through the gear.

Ow... Loud as ever.

"What is so very important that you must call me and wake me up?" She sighed, "____! But this is important!" I laughed and sat up. "Okay, okay, I'm listening."

"Okay good. So the thing that is so important I need to tell you about is that there is a festival happening tonight and everyone is going. I wanted to ask if you wanted to come along with Red?"

I thought about it, maybe this can be a way I can get closer to him? Maybe, but, one problem...

"I don't have a Kimono Blue..." Multiple gasps were heard from the other side. "*sigh* you have yours on speaker, don't you?"

"____! Do you know what this means?!" Who I assumed was Crystal, asked. "Mm? What?" Bad question. "SHOPPING!" Sapphire screeched.
"Noooooooo!" I tiredly yelled.

"Don't worry ____... You're not alone. We'll get through this together." Platinum said.
Ahh~ her calming voice.
"Okay guys... I'll go shopping with you..."

There were cheers and a soft giggle heard, I sighed happily.
"Okay guys, let me get ready and I'll stop by your house Blue, so we all can go shopping."

"Okay! Bye ____!"



I sighed, I didn't wanna go shopping. But, I guess it's my fault for saying I don't have a Kimono. No matter, I might as well get ready.

So, as usual, I did my morning routine and went downstairs to have breakfast. "Good morning mom." She turned and smiled at me. "Good morning ____. Have a good sleep? And what was all that commotion coming from your room?"

"I had a good sleep and that loud noise was the other girls. They were fusing around because I don't have a Kimono." She laughed at handed me my breakfast. "I see. Well, have fun shopping with them, I know they can be a handful." I finished up what she gave me and kissed her cheek.

"Yeah, I know. But I'll manage. Love you mom, bye."

"Bye sweetie."

I closed the door and made my way to Blue's house, until I saw Red walking out of his. I smiled to myself, I might as well say good morning.

So, I walked up to him and waved, "Good morning Red! Did you have a good sleep?" He turned around and looked at me and nodded his head.

"That's good. So where are you headed to? Green's house?" He nodded his head again. I sighed, I missed when he could actually talk.

"Well, I'll see you later, I guess. I'm going shopping with the girls. Bye Red." He blinked and motioned for me to come towards him.

So, I walked up towards him with a smile on my face. "Yea-" I got cut off by him smashing my body against his into a tight, and yet, lovable hug.

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