Beach Time is Fun Time

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(Just imagine only Sapphire, Blue, Platinum, Crystal, and Yellow are in the picture... Like add in Yellow XD)

Oh yea! If Lapras isn't your favourite water type Pokémon from Gen. 1, please just go with it!

I just got out from the Pokémon Center and was heading for Blues' house first.

Why was I in the Pokémon Center? Why, getting my favourite water type Pokémon of course! Lapras!

"I hope you're excited Lapras! You haven't been out in a while." I said, looking at her Pokéball.

I finally saw Blues' house and ran to her front door. I knocked on her door and waited for her to answer.

I saw her look out of her window with a huge smile on her face. She ran to the door and opened it, hugging me tightly.

"____! You're here! Finally, I was getting tired of waiting!" We both fell to the floor with her still hugging me.

"Ow, Blue! I'm happy to see you too but, you must relax!" She looked at me with worry and got up. "I'm sorry ____... Here, let me help you up!" She reached out her arm and I grabbed it, pulling myself up.

"Thanks... Now let's go get the other girls!" She nodded her head and linked our arms together.

"So ____. Last time we all saw each other, you're okay right? What happened after that?" I looked at her with a smile. I was grateful she didn't bring up what happened.

"Well, Red and I decided to stay around each other more often and, well, we started dating-," Blue cut me off. "No way! Really? Eek! I'm so happy for you guys! How come you didn't tell me? Do the others know?"

"First off, thank you. Secondly, I guess I forgot to tell you, I've been busy with work. Lastly, no, they don't know." Blue pouted. "You were gonna eventually tell us, right?" I smiled at her. "Of course I was!... Today."

She lightly hit my arm. "Ah whatever, at least you were gonna tell us, but I have a question off topic," I nodded towards her. "Who are we gonna pick up next?"

"Platinum, she surprisingly lives closer to you than Yellow." Blue smiled.

"Great! I actually haven't seen her in a while. I actually wonder how see can handle all our weirdness? I bet it's because you're there and Sapphire, even though Sapphire can be tough." I chuckled.

"Sure, why not? She does love us all equally though. She actually told me one time she wishes she can have your confidence."

Blue looked stunned. "R-Really? Aww, Platinum! I'm gonna give her a HUGE hug when I see her!"
"Well, you'll be able to see her now. We're here."

We knocked on the door and it was instantly opened. "Hello ____ and Blue-,"
"PLATINUM! I love you so much! You're so kind!" Blue tackled Platinum to the ground.
"... get off me weird one." Tears streamed down Blues' face.
"Platinummm! Why?"
I chuckled at their relationship. They were opposites, but can be the exact same when it's convenient.

I walked into the house and saw that Sapphire was there. "____? ____! How are you?" She got up from the beanie bag in the gaming room and gave me a bone crushing hug, weirdly enough, worse than Blues'.

"I-I'm *wheeze* gr-great! How *wheeze* a-about you?" Sapphire let go and scratched her face. "Haha... whoops? Sorry about that, just haven't seen you in a while."

"That's alright! It's great to see you too! What were you doing here anyway?"

"Platinum wanted me to come over before we left to the beach. She wanted to know which bikini to wear. Also, wanted some company since Diamond went back to the Sinnoh Region for a couple of weeks."

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