Turn of Events

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I woke up to a strong pair of arms wrapped around my stomach. I looked over my shoulder and saw Red's cute sleeping face. I turned over so I was completely facing him. I gave his nose a little peck and dug my face into his well built chest. He slowly woke up to my touch and looked down at me, a small smile clearly present on his face.

"Well good morning Red..! *yawn* How did you sleep?" He scratched the back of his neck and replied with a shrug. "Like a baby." I pouted with a little blush present on my face. "Are you referencing last night?" He gave out his usual deep chuckle and kissed my forehead. "You should get ready... for work." I quickly looked at my clock and it read 8:20.

I sighed and got up, I felt a little chilled walking to the washroom. "Awh man... I miss his warmth! Not to mention the warmth of my blankets!" I decided to put my hair up in a bun with a few strands falling out in front of my face. I put on my usual clothing for work, and head downstairs to the kitchen to grab a quick bite to eat.

By now it's 8:35 so I decided to leave for work.

Once I arrive Professor Oak greets me with a calming smile.

"Hello ____! How was your day off?" I beamed at his question. "Oh Gramps, I had so much fun! I was really happy to finally spend some one on one time with Red yesterday..." He gave a hearty laugh and told me to follow him into the greenhouse.

"So ____, about that Vulpix you've been looking after. Do you mind if you take it home for tonight? We need to see how it can handle hotter terrains because well, it is an ice type." I gave off a confused expression, but complied anyway. "Alright sure, no problemo!"

Professor Oak nodded his head. "Alright, thank you __-." Just as he was about to say his thanks, Green busted through the door with a wild kick! WAH BAM! "Alright alright I know, I'm here sort of early again. Hold the applause please!" Everyone in the work place just stared at him, some people just waved him off and got back to work.

"Oh dear me... What am I going to do with that boy?" I chuckle at Professor Oak's comment. "Teach him some manners?" He looked devastated when I said that. "I've... I've tried ____, believe me." I looked at him with some sympathy as Green walked up towards us. "Hows it going guys? ____, I bet you're pretty excited! Wait, how come he isn-."

Professor Oak guarded Green's mouth with his hand. "That's enough out of you Green! It is a surprise, remember?" I stared those two down like a hawk, what were they planning?!

They both turned to look at me with nervous smiles. "You're going to have to wait until the lunch break for the surprise, okay ____?" I pouted at the two of them. "Why does everyone seems to know but me? I don't think that is fair in the least!" Green walked up to me and patted my head. "Be patient my little one. If you do, you shall be granted the surprise of your work life!"

I left him with a deadpanned expression on my face as I started to move to the Greenhouse where Vulpix would be. "I'm just gonna... do my job." I scurried along the path and left them there, shrugging to each other.

.~.~. (AFTERNOON - I just wanna post this lol)

I was playing with Vulpix and (F/P) in the open area of grass when I was called down by Green to come see the 'oh so great surprise.' "I will be right back Vulpix and (F/P)!" They whined and went around my legs (or wherever depending on how massive your f/p is lol).

I entered the main room of the lab and saw Green and Professor Oak standing in front of someone. "Alright guys, what's the surprise?" Green turned around and grabbed my arm to dragged me to where he previously was. "Say hello to our new worker!" I looked up and saw...


"Red! You applied for a job here? Why?" I was stifling some of my laughter. I have to admit, he looks adorable wearing his lab coat. "What's so funny ____? Do I... look weird?" Red looked down at himself to make sure there were no stains or dirt anywhere on it. "No no! You look adorable that's all!" He sighed with great relief and stood in front of me. "So, why are you working here exactly?"

Professor Oak turned to face me with a great smile resting on his face. "Well... I gave it some great thought and I decided that you would teach Red how to be very connecting to the Pokémon, as well as getting the Pokémon warm up to him. For you, ____ will soon take on the role of giving new trainers their Pokémon, giving them advice on the Pokémon world, and so forth."

My eyes widened, I couldn't believe I was going to be privileged with an opportunity like this! I ran up to him and thanked him for trusting me with such a heavy duty job.

"Hahahaha, why of course ____! ... I couldn't give these two that job now could I?" He whispered the last part. I giggled and let go of him. "I see why now you asked me to take Vulpix home. You want her to warm up to Red, and also the terrain research." He gave me a thumbs up.

"Now you two can't do nasty thin-!" I hit Green upside the back of his head. "No more words from your mouth, got it Green?" He pouted and gave a little nod saying "yes ma'am..." I happily walked back towards the Greenhouse dragging Red behind me. "Come on Red! Let me introduce you to the Pokémon we got here!"

.~.~. (Home after work - sorry)

"Red! You have to let Vulpix sleep in our room! She needs to get used to you!"

Currently, this whole 'Vulpix getting used to Red' thing wasn't working out great. She wasn't as fond to him right away as she was to me. Last time they met, he examined her and they didn't really interact with one another because of... well, reasons.

"Vulpiiix~!" She was whining and scratching at the door wanting to be let in. "Do I have to..? I wanted to sleep beside you tonight." I got off the bed before he hugged me. "Red! Come on! This is apart of your job now! I'll sleep on the couch."

Before he could protest, I opened the door and picked up Vulpix placing her right beside Red. She was lowly growling at him and his eye twitched. "Goodnight you two! See you in the morning!" And off I went to sleep.


Yes... months late... i am sorry... i might upload sometime this week, keep your finger crossed for tomorrow or the next day!

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