There's Your Mark!

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Mark's POV;

       I don't know what's happened to me, but ever since he kissed me it's been hard to keep my feelings inside. It's like some magic bullshit! I want more, but I don't want him to hate me... Damn Felix and my greed!
       Jack finally stopped throwing up and went to the kitchen to make coffee, I rejoined the guys in the living room. "Dude, I'm so bored." Felix said, "Well, we could watch TV." Wade said, "Do you even know what's on on Sunday?" Felix asked, "No." Wade said confused, "NOTHING!" Felix shouted, "NOTHING GOOD IS ON THE TV ON SUNDAYS!" He exclaimed, "Jesus, okay." Wade said, "Ugh, could you stop screaming my head is pounding." Bob grumbled, "Ooo, idea! We could play truth or dare!" Felix said excitedly, "I dunno man, nothing good happens when we play truth or dare." I say, "Come on Mark, don't be a lil bitch." Felix said, "Pleaaassseee!" He cried, "Nooooo!" I shouted back, "Okay fine... Let's play rock, paper, scissors and if I win we play truth or dare." He proposed, I hesitated slight before replying, "Fine." We played 2 out of 3 and of course I lost.
        "GET IN A CIRCLE BITCHES!" Felix announced getting onto the floor. Everyone did as he said even Jack when he got back into the living room, "What're we doing?" Jack asked, "We're playing truth or dare." Felix said, "Oh god... I dunno guys." He said looking over at me, "Jack, I own your ass and if I have to play so do you." I say. Jack huffed and crossed his arms, "Fine." He muttered, "Yaaayyy! Okay, me first!" Felix said looking all around. "Mmmm.... Bob, truth or dare." Felix said while giggling, "Truth." Bob replied, probably not trusting Felix and honestly I don't blame him, "Is it true you'd fuck Jack?" Felix asked, "What the fuck?! No!" Bob said appalled, "I don't know wether to be happy or offended." Jack said, "A little of both." Wade replied, "Bob, your turn." Felix says, "Oh, okay.... Ummm. Wade, truth or dare?" He asked, "Dare, bitches." Wade exclaimed, "Okay, stick an ice cube down your underwear." Bob said, "Goddamnit." Wade muttered while getting up and dragging his feet into the kitchen.
      Seconds later we heard Wade screaming profanities, after a while Bob shouted that it was enough and Wade quickly rejoined us. "Wade, your turn." Felix giggled giddily, "Jack, truth or dare?" He asked, "Dare." Jack says, "Lick Mark's nipple." Wade said, "Wait, which one?" Jack asked, "Why does that matter?!" I exclaimed, "Um... The right one." Wade said. Jack looked over to me, "Hey, how's it going." He said with a grin, "I hate you, Wade!" I shouted while pulling up my shirt to expose my chest, "Just close your eyes and pretend Chica is saying good morning." Jack said, "Shut up and get it over with." I grumbled while blushing. Seconds later I could feel his hot breath against my chest, this made my face heat up even more.
       Then it seemed like time slowed and I felt his hot tongue graze my nipple harshly, pulling up with force. Then quickly it was gone as well as his hot breath. I put my shirt down quickly and glared at Wade, he knew my nipples where sensitive. "Oh, everybody say hi to Mark's nipple!" Felix said, then everyone proceeded to wave at it, "I need new friends." I grumbled. "Jack, your turn." Bob said, "Okay, hmmmm.... Felix, truth or dare." He said, "Oooo, dare." Felix said excitedly, "Call Marzia and and tell her that you're pregnant and she's gonna be paying child support wether she likes it or not." Jack giggled, "This is just an average Friday night for me." Felix said rolling his eyes and calling Marzia. "MARZIA! MARZIA OH MY GOD!" Felix fake cried, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHAT'S WRONG!? YOU DID THIS TO ME! I TOLD YOU I WASN'T READY BUT NO!!!" He screamed, "OH MY GOD MARZIA! ARE YOU FUCKING CLUELESS?! I'M GODDAMN PREGNANT! AND WETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT YOU'RE PAYING THE FUCKING CHILD SUPPORT YOU DEAD-BEAT!" I screamed, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry baby, it's just all the hormones and I'm really scared and I just-! I JUST CAN'T MARZIA! I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT TO DO AND LIKE WHAT IF I DIE I JUST CAN'T!" He cried, "I love you I just-... Listen, Marzia... MARZIA! I GOTTA GO!" He screamed just before hanging up.
      He put his phone back in his pocket and giggled, "Dude... You need help." Bob said, "Yea, I know." Felix said, "Okay anyway, my turn." He said thinking for a while. "Okay fiiinnnneee, Mark, truth or dare." He asked, "Dare." I say, "Oooo! Okay...." Felix said starting to think, "Okay, I did not like that at all." I say starting to get a bit scared, "Okay, I got it!" Felix said excitedly while clapping, "Hickey Jack up." He said, "Excuse me!?" I exclaimed, "Ugh, are you too dumb for my slang? Give Jack a hickey." Felix said, "I dunno man..." I say, "It's fine, Mark. I'm a big boy, I can handle it." Jack said, "Are you sure?" I questioned, "Absolutely." He said, "Alright, fine." I said, glaring back at Felix. "Just... Don't slap me." I say getting close to Jack's neck, "I won't." He said.
       I blushed darkly as I leaned in and licked teasingly at my chosen spot, Jack didn't make a peep even though his body quivered. I then placed my teeth delicately in place and began licking and sucking, his body shuttered slightly. I pulled away quickly, "No, no, no, there isn't even a mark!" Felix exclaimed, "Fine!" I groaned, going back into Jack's neck harder and sucking more violently, as I could clearly taste his blood in my mouth from my biting. Jack gasped at first, then whimpered lightly and he was shaking more, I was sloppily and violently ravaging the spot. I could hear Jack whimpering and whining, it only encouraged me and when I was more than sure there was a mark I pulled away. "There's your mark." I said, "Damn, little angry there." Wade said, "You're telling me." Jack giggled, "Oh my god, are you okay?" I asked Jack, "I'm fine Mark." He said while hugging me.
       "You looked a bit more than fine." Bob said chuckling, "Shut up." Jack giggled, "If it weren't for you biting your bottom lip we would've heard you moaning." Felix giggled, "It's a normal physical reaction." Jack defended. "Mhhmmmm!" Felix giggled, "Oh whatever!" Jack exclaimed, "So... It's my turn?" I questioned, "Yea." Felix says, "Jack, truth or dare." I asked, "Truth." He said as his eyes turned to slits. "Is it true you are a heterosexual?" I asked, "Oh hmm...." Jack said actually seeming to have to think, "It's complicated." He finally responded after a while, "Oooo Jaaaaccckkkkkk!" Felix giggled, "SHUT THE HELL UP! I AM BEING AS TRUTHFUL AS I CAN DAMNIT!" He shouted, "Besides, you aren't my type." Jack huffed at Felix. "Mark, truth or dare?" He questioned, "HE JUST WENT!" Wade bitched, "WELL HE'S GOING AGAIN!" Jack shouted, "Dare." I say, I can trust Jack... Right? "Oooo!" He said getting all giggly, oh no. That never works out in my favor. "I dare you to...." He said thinking and looking around at the people around us, "Suck Felix's big toe." He said, even he himself cringed at the words as they exited his mouth. WELL I CAN'T TRUST JACK! "Ugh, but... That's so gross! I could die!" I bitched, "Oh fucking well, what flowers would you like on your casket?" Jack smart-assed. "Fine!" I groaned, Felix smirked at me, "You want me to take off my sock or you want to do the honor?" He asked, "Just take your damn sock off." I grumbled at him.
Felix's bare foot was so close to my mouth I could vomit! I mean it doesn't smell bad, I just don't like feet. "Close your eyes and pretend it's Jack's dick." Felix giggled, "I'm gonna bite it off and spit it at you!" I growled, "Whatever, just get it over with." Felix said. I shut my eyes harshly and leaned forward quickly, enclosing my mouth around his big toe and sucking fiercely. I stayed that way for a moment so they couldn't bitch at me and then I pulled away. "I HATE YOU!" I screamed while wiping off my tongue with the bottom of my shirt, Jack only giggled at me as I got back in my spot and glared at him. "Okay Felix, truth or dare?" I asked, "Truth." He said, obviously not trusting me, "Is it true you have a foot fetish?" I asked, "No, I just like to see you appalled." He giggled, "Bob, truth or dare?" Felix asked, "Dare." Bob said, "Scream out the window that you hate pineapples." Felix giggled, "Ugh, I have to get up." Bob groaned as he slowly stood up and went to the window, he opened it and hung his head out, hands cupping around his mouth like a mega-phone "I FUCKIN' HATE PINEAPPLES!" He screamed, we all bust out laughing as he slowly and calmly rejoined us.

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