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A/N: In the manga version of Link to the Past, I have to say that Ghanti kicked major ass, and Zelda could go and fuck around in the Dark World for all I cared. Which is funny, since Zelink was (and kind of still is) my OTP.

Ghanti looked up at the baroque furnishings of Hyrule academy. Why did she have to come here again? Oh yeah, because her adoptive father had been caught by the police. Again. So, to escape, her dad had taken her and her 'brothers' (More orphans raised by her dad) to Hyrule. Which meant transferring. Again. Her brothers were so lucky, her dad let them skive permanently. But she had to go to this stupid private turned public school full of rich idiots with their heads up their asses. "To keep up appearances. It would be suspicious if none of you went to school." Said her dad, ruffling her dark blue hair. "We can say your brothers need jobs to support the family." At this point, her brothers looked round the doorway and smirked. "But Daaaaaaad..." Ghanti whined. "I want to help with the heists and stuff." It wasn't fair, her brothers got to go out and break down windows, while she had to stay at home and break down fractions. Her father sighed. "You will be helping out! You can identify the richest prats at that fancy school and inform us of where they live, what they own. You see? Make friends with them too, that way blame won't fall on us." At this point, her brothers came into the room, taking in stupid high-pitched voices.
"Ohohoho! Lady Assface, what would you like for tea, indeed?"
"Simply my incredibly expensive Monkey-shit tea, Lord Pisspants!" With that, Ghanti couldn't help but laugh out loud. Snapping out of her memories, the young would-be thief took a deep breath and entered the school.

Immediately, she got a few wolf-whistles from the males, due to her revealing red top. She also got disdainful and disapproving looks from the females. Whatever. She thought. Bunch o' flat ass whores. She shook her large chest a bit more than normal and winked a few times. Strolling to the Head's office, she breathed in a familiar scent she had gotten used to over the years. Rich people. She was so lost in her own thoughts, she didn't notice that she was walking into someone.
"Ow!" A soft, tinkling voice reached her ears. A tall, slim blonde was on the floor in front of her, rubbing her forhead. Her white blouse had come untucked from her black miniskirt, and she hastily tucked it back in. Ghanti muttered an apology and helped her up. The girl smiled at her before shaking her hand. She thanked her in the same silvery voice as before. "I'm Zelda. Zelda Hyrule." As in... Hyrule Academy?! Bloody fuck... Ghanti blanched. "And your name is?" Ghanti looked up at the blonde (She was a good head taller than her) and grinned, before jabbing a thumb to her chest. "I'm Ghanti Voléz! I'm a new student, me and my family just moved here. I'll be in your classes, I think..." (A/N: Voléz roughly translates to Thief in Haitian Creole) Zelda smiled at her. "Well, welcome to Castle Town, Ghanti! You won't be in most of my classes in 6-A, unless you're on the honour roll, but we might have art together, and other classes like those. Oh! Look at the time... " The bell rang and she floated off towards whatever lesson she had next.

"Oh shit! Lessons!" In the midst of her daydreaming and small talk, the blue haired girl had forgotten a vital fact: She had no clue what or where her next lesson was. Running after Zelda, she rubbed the back of her head sheepishly. The pale girl turned around, surprised. "Oh, Ghanti! Did you need something?" At this point, a muscular (and not bad looking) boy came up and put his arm round Zelda. Said girl smiled up at him and pecked his cheek. Ghanti continued, shooting a look at the interloper. "I don't know what my next lesson is." The boy snorted and sneered at Ghanti. At that presice moment, Ghanti wanted to take his stupid green hat and shove it so far up his ass that it would wipe that idiotic sneer off of his (admittedly handsome) face. Zelda seemed oblivious to the death glare match between her two companions and smiled again. "You should come with us to Physical Education! You're in my year, right? So you might want to get your gym kit..."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2016 ⏰

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Thief (Ghanti x Link x Zelda AU)Where stories live. Discover now