Awkward times

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You wake up and look at your phone. It was about 10 in the morning. You sat up and rubbed your eyes. You suddenly remembered what happened last night. "Fuck." You mumbled to your self. "I hope Mark has a massive hangover." You got out of bed and unlocked your door. No one else was awake so you decided to make breakfast.
                      -Mark pro-
"Mm.. My head.." I sit up. "W..why am I on the floor?" I get up form the floor. "Ugh.. How much did I drink last night?" I shuffle towards my bed and look at my clock. "10:40 a.m. Fuck, I have to make a video." I shuffle towards my recording room. "Oh wait, I have one ready." I edit a video I saved and upload it to YouTube. I walk out of my recording room and suddenly smell food.  I walk downstairs and see Y/N in the kitchen. I walk towards the couch and collapse onto it. "You ok Markimoo?" "Yeah.. head hurts.." "I would think so, you got pretty drunk last night." Last night? Last night was a total blur. "You want some breakfast?" "Yeah.." "Ok, then get your lazy ass over here." I get off the couch and stumble toward the kitchen. I sit down at the table. "Here you go." "Thanks." Y/N hands me a plate of food. I hold my head in my hands as I eat breakfast. Y/N comes over and sits down next to me. "Um..Mark, I..I need to tell you something." I turn to face Y/N. I see a small bruise on her collar bone. "Mark last night.." I cut her off. "What's this?" I poke at her bruise. "Nothing.." She covers it with her hand. "That wasn't there yesterday.." "That's what I wanted to talk about.." Y/N looked down at her food.  " pinned me on the wall last night.. You kissed you did this.." She took her hand off of her bruise. "What?" "You were really drunk last night, so I helped you into your room. I tried to leave but you pinned me on to the wall..." I started to get worried. What the fuck did I do last night. "Y/N, did I hurt you?" 'Y/N'S voice was shaky. "No.. But..Mark. I thought you didn't have feelings for me.." Y/N looked at me with tears in her eyes. "I..well..Jack... You..." Y/N sat up from her chair and hugged me. "I'm sorry Mark.." Why is she apologizing? "Y/N why.." I got up form my chair and hugged her back. "I should've known that you had feelings for me.. I should of not even come here.. Because before I knew about Jack.. I..I liked you.." My body froze. She liked me. I pulled away form the hug. Y/N was crying. "Y/N, I liked you a long time ago, and Jack are perfect for each other.. You.. I.." Y/N wiped her tears away and looked me in the eyes. "Y/N I like you as a friend, I'm sorry I did those things to you last night. I.." I sighed and looked at the floor. "Can we still be friends?" I mumbled. "Nothing will ever change between you and me Mark." Y/N hugged me tightly and I hugged back. After that things got awkward. " wanna go to the beach?" "Why not.." Y/N squealed and ran upstairs to change. I left a note telling Ryan and Matt that Y/N and I left for the beach. I changed into my swim trunks and packed a beach bag. Y/N came out with her swimsuit on and her shorts on, and we both left for the beach.
                      -Jacks pro-
I've been home since yesterday. But I miss Y/N like crazy. I called her but she didn't answer. All of the sudden my phone buzzed. Y/N has tweeted something. Going to the beach with this dork! There was a picture of Mark behind Y/N smiling. "That's probably why she didn't answer me." A minute later my phone buzzed again. Mark tweeted: having a blast at the beach with this werido! A picture of Mark kissing Y/N on the cheek, Y/N was blushing in the picture. Anger started to build up within me. Jack, calm down.. It's fine.. Everything is fine. My phone buzzed again. Y/N tweeted: I missing a certain someone.. Hope he's  missing me. I scrolled down the comments. Tons of people thought Y/N and I were dating, which was certain. I just wish we could tell everyone that we're  dating. I probably make a vlog about it when I come back. I missed Y/N so much. I wanted to call her so bad, but she was busy. (Short time skip) I was editing a video when my phone started ringing. It was Y/N. "Hey babe! How you doing?" When I heard her voice my body started to go numb. "I'm doing good, how about you?" "I'm fine.. But I miss you.." "I miss you to honey poo..." I could hear Y/N giggling. "What's so funny?" "Nothing it's just.. Mark's being a dork.." I hope Mark isn't flirting with her. "Anyways how is it is Ireland?" "Well it's raining, boring as fook, and I'm lonely. So pretty much the same." "Aw.. I'm sorry babe.. Is there anything I could do to make it less boring?" "Well, you could get your cute face over here.." "I wish I could." "Hmm.." I started thinking. "Um.. Jack.. You still there?" "Mm.. Oh yeah.. Just thinking.." "Ok.. But I....I have to go.. I'll Skype you when I get back to Mark's house ok?" "Ok.. Love you.." "I love you to!" With that she hung up.. And I was alone again.  
                           -your pro-
After about 2 hours you and Mark decided to go back home. The car ride was pretty quiet. When you got back to Mark's house you felt hands grab your waist. "Wha.." Mark picked you up and slung you over his shoulder. "MARK! Put me down!!!" "Nope." "Mmmaaaarrrrkkkk.." You started to whine. "Yyyyyy/Nnnnnnnn." Mark whined back. Mark threw you on the couch. "AHHH!" Mark started laughing. "You asshole.." You sat up on the couch and turned to face Mark. "Oh.. I'm sorry.. Did I hurt your feelings.." Mark said as he walked out to the car to get the beach bag. "He's such a dick." You walked into the kitchen and got some water. "Ugh.. Hey Mark what time is it.." You turned around to see Matt rubbing his eyes. Matt opened his eyes and just stared at you blankly and blushed. You realized that you were in your bikini, and Matt was kinda staring at your boobs. "Uh hem." Matt looked to see Mark giving him an angry glare. "S..sorry..." Matt walked out and went into his room. "Well, that wasn't pervy at all.." You aid sarcastically. "Yeah.. Anyways you should probably go change." "Yeah." You walked upstairs to your room and took a quick shower. After that you changed into grey sweatpants, a white T-shirt, and used a red flannel as a jacket. You walked towards your bed and went on Skype. You clicked Jack's username and waited for him to answer. 
                   -Jack's pro-
I was on my computer when suddenly it said that Y/N wanted to Skype. I clicked answer and saw her beautiful face pop up on my screen. "Hey babe." She waved at me. "Hi gorgeous." She blushed. "Whatcha doing?" "Thinking about you." I smiled. "That's not creepy at all." "Well.. I miss you, that's why I'm thinking of you." "I miss you to Jack, but it's only for a couple more days.. Then we can see each other." "Yeah.." Y/N put her hand to her hair and tried to comb it. "Your still wearing the ring?" She looked at her hand. "Yeah.. I love it, why wouldn't I wear it?" "I thought you would think it's dumb." "Jack, I love it, and I love you.. I will always wear this." She smiled. God I love her smile. We talked for a little longer before she had to go. "Love you." "Love you to Jack! Mwah!" She blew a kiss at her computer. I smiled. "See you soon." With that she hung up. And I was alone. Hmm.. After I come to America to see Y/N her and I might not be alone anymore... I could asks her if she wants to live with me. No, that's to much... I should be doing baby steps. I'll just ask her when I come back. I looked at my clock. "Fook, it's late.. I can't believe we talked for that long." I snuggled into my bed and turned the lights off. "I love you Y/N." And with that whisper I fell asleep.
                     -your pro-
You and Jack talks for almost 3 hours. You said your good nights to the boys and curled up in your bed. Before you closed your eyes you let out a sweet whisper. "I love you Jack.." You closed your eyes and drifted to sleep.

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