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Where the hell am I gonna go? What about Mark and Jack..god damnit! I groaned out in frustration. "Why do I love you?" I simply said to myself. I sighed and held my head in my hands. "Flight 45 leaving for (where you live)." I sat up, looking at my suitcase, and I then looking at my phone. I have 10 missed calls from Mark, and 15 missed calls from Jack. I rubbed my temples and sighed again. "Once again flight 45 leaving." "I hate you.." I grabbed my suitcase and headed out of the airport. I looked around and saw a bench, I walked towards it and sat down. I put my suitcase down and grabbed my phone again. Mark or Jack? I hesitatingly dialed Jacks number and waited for an answer. After about three rings, he answered. "...Y-Y/N?..." Jacks voice was quiet. "Jack..I'm probably an asshole for asking this, but could one of you pick me up from the airport?" I heard Jack chuckle. "Yeah, Mark and I will pick you up." "Thanks, I'll be waiting outside the airport." "We'll be there in about twenty minutes." "Thanks again..bye." "Yeah.."

Jacks pov
Wow..that's why she calls me. For us to pick her up from the fucking airport. I sigh and call Mark. Yep, I'm calling him. Of course we're not seeing each other right now. "Hey Jack.." Mark said tiredly. "Mark, go pick Y/N up from the airport." "What? She called you?" "Just do it." "Wait, do you want me to pick you up?" "No, I can't handle seeing you right now." Mark sighed. "Fine, I'll bring her back to my place then." "No, your bringing her here. To the motel." I growled. "Listen Jack, I would but I can't handle seeing you right now..." Mark mocked me. "Listen here ye red assed bastard, your going to pick Y/N up, and leave her the fook alone. " ".........." I brought my phone down from my ear, he hung up on me. I growled and threw my phone at the wall in front of me. I grabbed my coat and headed out of my room in the motel. I started walking to Mark's house. Y/N may not deserve me, but if that red haired prick thinks he deserves Y/N....he's wrong.

Mark's pov
I groan and rub my temples. Why does everyone have to be so god damn difficult? I make my out the front door while grabbing my car keys. I start the car and head off to the airport. Why would Y/N call Jack if I was going to pick her up? A horn honked behind me, followed my yelling. I snapped out of my thoughts and continued driving. I see a sign saying that the airport is on the next exit. I can't believe Y/N was going to leave...why didn't she? ...wait... Didn't she say I love you before she left Jack and I at the hotel?! "WHAT!?" I practically screamed out. "I SAID TO KEEP IT MOVING!" Someone yelled behind me, followed by honking. I kept moving in my car and decided to actually pay attention to the road. After driving for about ten more minutes, I found the airport. I drove around until I saw a familiar face. She looked like a angle. Her hair was blowing in the wind, along with her dress. Her dress was a beautiful (fav color) and it matched her eyes perfectly. I rolled down my window. "Hey, I heard you need a ride?" She turned to face me, she looked at me weirdly but shrugged. She walked over to the passengers side and got in. She looked behind her seat before buckling her seatbelt. "Uh, where's Jack?" I tightened my grip on the steering wheel as I headed out. "He didn't want me to pick him up." "Oh. Well, thanks for-" "Why did you ask where Jack was?" "..I thought he was going to be with you." "Wouldn't it be clear that we're both at each others necks?" "Mark, it's been a week. I thought you guys-" "Well you thought wrong." I said coldly. Y/N looked at me sympathetically and opened her mouth to say something, but closed it. "Y/N, I really care about you. I care about you so much that if I had to chose between my life and yours..I would save you. I love you more than I can tell you." I said turning to face her. She was looking at her lap. "Y/N..I love you." I looked down to her hand a took a hold of it. She still looked to her lap. "I love you so much Y/N." That's when I heard a quiet sniffle. "Y/N?" She slowly lifted her head looking at me. Tears falling down her cheeks. "Y/N, no..please don't cry." "...M-Mark..I'm s-sorry.." That's when I stopped the car, gently grabbed the sides of her face and pulled her into a kiss. It was a passionate kiss, but I could taste her salty tears. She broke the kiss. She looked at me sadly and opened the car door. "Y/N! Wait!" I undid my seatbelt and opened my car door. She was heading to front door. She tried the door knob, but I locked my door. She banged on the door, and looked at the ground in defeat. I started to run to her, but I heard a door creak open.

Your pov
As I looked to the ground in defeat in trying to escape from Mark, I heard the door creak open. I looked up, tears still falling down my cheeks. "J-Jack?" "Y/N? Why are you crying?" I saw him look behind me to see Mark running towards his house. He looked back to me with a puzzled look. I shook my head and brought my hands up to my eyes. I let out a whimper grabbing Jacks attention. He wrapped his arms around me, embracing me. He shouldn't be comforting me...he hates me...I know it. But here he was, he was holding me, petting my hair to try to calm me down. "Shh's ok. It's ok." He said to me calmly. "Y/N?" Mark was behind me now. I was about to lift my head up and talk to Mark, but Jack kept head down on his chest. "Mark, what the fook did you do to her?!" Jack asked him angrily. "I didn't do anything!" "Bullshit! Why is she crying?!" "I don't know! I just picked her up from the airport, we talked, and she just-" "What did you guys talk about!?" "That's not important! What's important is that you let go of her Jack!" "I'm trying to calm her down!" "D-don't fight...P-please..." I said quietly resting my head against Jacks chest. I heard Mark sigh. Jack let go of me. I took a deep breath and took Jacks hand, then I took Mark's hand. I lead them to the couch. (no..there's not going to a threesome) They both sat down and I went to close the front door. I walked back to the couch, I sat between the two of them. Jack looked confused while Mark looked anxious. "I'm guessing you both want to know some things..." I looked to the floor not daring to look at them. "Sure.." "Yes." Both of them replied. "Well, what do you both want to know?" I asked them still looking at the floor. "Y/N, can you sit in front of us?" Mark asked me. "Sure." I sat in front of them, sitting on the coffee table. I was still looking at the floor. "Y/N, I love you.." Mark said softly. I looked at him sadly, he had a soft smile...he looked like he meant it..which he did. I heard Jack scoff. "What." Mark said sternly. "Hmm? Nothing...just..that's a load of bullshit." "You know, that's really funny coming from a guy who started dating a girl he met four fucking weeks ago!" Jack stood up off the couch. "Well at least I didn't fuck my best friends girlfriend!" Mark looked hurt for a moment, but then stood up as well. "It's not like you were going to have sex with her! You were in Ireland! Plus you broke up with her! You two aren't even a fucking couple!" Jack glared at Mark. He grabbed my waist looked at me lovingly and smashed his lips on mine. My hands were pressed against his chest as his hands were on my waist. I was completely taken back by this. I pulled back and looked at Jack in shock. "J-Jack..did you just-" suddenly I was pulled by another arm and Mark's lips were on mine. I instantly pulled back and looked at Mark is surprise. "Mark, I.." "I love you to Y/N." Mark said cutting me off. Mark let go of me, and I backed away from them both. "Really?" I said. "Really? You both try to prove a point by kissing me?! What the fuck!?" "Yeah Jack! Why'd you kiss her!" "Oh like you didn't kiss her!" "You two aren't together!" "It's not like you two are either!" I looked at them in defeat sitting back on the coffee table holding my head in my hands . "You broke up with her, and act like your her boyfriend!" "I may not be her boyfriend, but than doesn't mean she wants you to be hers!" "Well maybe she does! She could love me for all you know!" "Same goes for me you red haired prick!" "Go fuck yourself you you short ass leprechaun!" "STOP IT!" I yelled, my voice breaking in the process. Both men looked at me to see me on the brink of tears. "I know it's my fault you two are fighting, but please stop. Jack, we are taking a brake but that doesn't mean we're not together. Mark, we had sex..but we're not together. Yes Mark you have known me for two fucking years while Jack just met me at least three weeks ago. Mark, I-" "NO! DON'T GIVE ME THIS IM SORRY BULLSHIT! I DESERVE YOU! IVE KNOWN YOU FOR TWO YEARS! IVE BEEN THERE FOR YOU! I SUPPORTED YOU! I TRIED TO GET YOU IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH MY BEST FRIEND WHEN I LOVED YOU!.... I deserve some happiness...I deserve you." Mark screamed with tears falling down his neck. You started to cry as well. "I'm s-sorry...I can't l-love you M-Mark...I can't.." "Please...I need you...I want you...I love you.." He was one his knees, crying on your dress. "I've tried loving you Mark..but I can' can't force love. I may have loved you in the past but..I don't now. A-and I'm s-sorry f-for that." He let go of you and stood up. "Get out of my house, both of you.." Jack looked at the both of you shocked. "Mark, please I-I.." "GET OUT!" Mark yelled punching the wall.

Oh fuck...hey how's a hanging? Soooooo did ya like this chapter? Probably Anyways check out my other story plz and thanks for reading this shitty chapter. Ok byeeeee

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