Four months later

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Americas POV 

Maxon left a couple of days ago for a business trip. I would've been able to go except I'm pregnant a it's dangerous are his words. I miss him. I miss him bad. I'm due for the babies in a week but the doctor said I could go into early labor. 

It sucks I haven't heard one thing from Maxon I just know he's not dead because someone would've told me something. Right now I'm sitting in the woman's room with Marlee because Maxon told everyone not to let me near work because I'm close to my due date. 

"What are you gonna name them." Marlee asks. We found out its a boy and a girl and we figured out the names.

"Eadlyn and Ahren." I said and she smiled. Then I felt a pain a very bad pain and then water between my legs and I knew. I screamed in pain and Marlee jumped up and ran out to find a maid but came back with a wheelchair. 

"Cmon lets go." She says guiding me into it. 

"Get Maxon." I said when we reached the room and dr Montgomery closed the curtain.

"I won't have the baby not today if Maxon isn't here." I said and dr Montgomery looked at me.

"You don't have a choice if you don't give birth now it will damage the babies they will suffocate." She said and I screamed. Then Marlee walked in.

"Maxon's coming home but he won't be here in time you need to give birth now America." Marlee said. She's right I have to do it now. I miss Maxon. More pains. I push until one comes out.

"A girl." Someone shouts.

I push harder until someone shouts a boy then I relax. I'm sweaty and sticky. Ugh but I'm done I can't keep my eyes open and they close.

One day later

I wake up to crying. Maxon's holding two babies right next to me then he looks at me. 

"America. I've missed you." He says kissing me.

"I'm so sorry I missed it I tried to get back as soon as I could I shouldn't have left you." He says and I kiss him. Then he hands me a baby. A girl. Eadlyn. Her eyes are closed and then Maxon hands me a boy. Ahren. My babies I love them so much. I will always protect them with my heart. I feel complete.

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