Living a nightmare

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Chapter 3- my life's a nightmare

Adopted. The words have been running through my head for the past week. I can't forget them, no matter how much sharon and Paul say it doesn't matter; nothings changed. The truth is, everything has. My whole life has been a lie. I can't even call them exactly what they've been for the past 16 years,my parents.

And another thing. Cleo. I can tell she's getting suspicious from the way she was planning on cancelling her cheer practise to ' talk' to me. I've been lying to my bff for a week. Not because I don't trust her, because I'm ashamed. What does it say if my own parents don't want me? That they left me on a random door step. Did they resent me that much? My life's such a mess!

" saph, are you okay? You've been acting...down, recently"

I fake a strained smile"yeah I'm just feeling a little under the weather. Go to cheer practise and ill see you tomorrow. It's my turn picking you up remember?" she doesn't look convinced but she let's it slide, though I know it won't last long. Truthfully, I'm so glad schools' finished: for today anyway. I swear its been the longest day of my life!

Not only am I dealing with this whole"adoption" situation, but I also had to deal with the rulers of the school. I continue walking down the street, hands in pockets. I bet they thought they were so funny. I bet they had a real laugh after. Stupid "populars". Stupid Josh.How dare they?! They had no right!

No right.

As I think this is take a back alley- I don't feel like the noise of busy streets.

Then, to make my already super fun day better, Cleo had to go to an unexpected cheer practice, meaning , as cleo picked me up, I'm walking home today. I don't why they call it cheer practice. The only time I cheer is when their finished. I mean, cleo can dance as well as perfect most the moves( hence why she's captain). Some of team can even do some professional looking moves- but the rest. I doubt they can even figure out how to clap their hands. In fact I swear coach was bribed into giving them places, or blackmailed. That would suit the 'Jordami' better. I snort at this thought.

The 'Jordami' is the girls who drule over the three most popular boys in school. Yes, you guessed it. The 'Josh crowd' boys.

Josh, naturally, is the football captain. His raven black hair, and tan skin makes girls practically throw themselves at his defined muscles. Pathetic, i know. Then you have rider. He has naturally good looks and hair that looks good effortless. His blonde hair has brown steaks that make him look even better and draw attention to his contrasting green eyes. As you guessed, he's the rebel of the lot, yet not the biggest jerk, that role will always be Joshs.And last but not least mike. Yep, a simple name for an almost simple guy. I mean he's only captain of the basketball team and one of the 3 hottest rudest jocks in the school.Yep...Just a normal guy.

A loud clash startles me putting me on high alert. I get myself into a fighting stance, I took karate for my anger management when I was 13- yeah I had anger management. It's not like it worked anyway, just taught me more aggressive ways to take out my anger. It's a pity, i was just getting to like the method of release before I got kicked out for no reason. I only kicked my tutor in his... Special parts... Yep, i did nothing at all.

I put my legs a shoulders width apart and crouch slightly ready to spring into one of my knockout fly kicks.

I sniff the air, ears perking up. Sniff the air! 'Why did I do that?!' I pick up the sent of something that made my hairs stand on end- Wow, i must be really stressed, or going crazy...What's that?! I look around frantically, glimpsing a shadow dance from side to side of the wall. What? What is this, 'a cross between a ballerina and a cat?' I thought with a slight amount of humour. I'm not the funniest person in the world.I jump a little as a howl pierces the night.

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