Jumping jacks

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Sorry for not updating ; being lazy and busy is not a good combination :/

I know no-one reads these but I realised that basically every story on here has them so... What the heck?im bored...

Sorry about the 1d reference at the start but my friends don't shut up about them and I had to get Larry out my head somehow.Yeah. Sorry. :/

Anywhoo...Check out the song on the side peeps and please with cheese on top (do you like cheese or prefer other dairy products:?) comment or vote (aka: vomment!)

anyone else think vomment sounds like vomit?... Just putting it out there. Anyway. Read on!

Squiggly lines are fun

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Chapter 4

As we arrive home I go straight to my room before collapsing on my bed in an exhausted heap. Never again... Despite my traumatic day, I have the most relaxing sleep in days.

As soon as I wake to the annoying beeping of my alarm, i get out to get a shower. Ughh! I never washed my hair after the incident yesterday, which reminds me, I need a new pair of pair of shoes...

"the story of my... life!" I finish of with a, if I do say so myself, perfect ending to the song. I swear, if my soaps could talk, they'd be screaming praise, I'm just that good. Yep. Ill have recording companies lining up to take me to my mansion in california any second now... Well, I've got the mansion part pretty much sorted so now I just need to replace one direction, brainwash the fans and get on the soonest plane. Easy as pie; or any other tasty food that's cheap and easy.

'like miss Barley' a sadist voice in my head sniggers oh-so attractively, then I remember- that's just me on any day where I have to wake up at 6. I mean 6 flipping a.m, what school starts so early when it takes students (such as myself) two hours to get ready in the morning? Apparently my cruel minded school does, just my luck. It's almost as twisted as my annoyingly cute sister. Did I mention her new ambition in life... Annoying the hell out of me. Then again it's not that hard. As I've said, I'm forced into getting up at 6 a.m! I'm one cranky chick- I guess it's better than a depressed one ...

If you're wondering why I'm not crying in a hole, depressed and begging to start my traumatic life again,then in all honesty, your more dramatic then me. And No, I'm not bi-polar: I'm just not being depressed anymore, I mean my parents left me. Rejected me. And overall abandoned me with complete strangers who they didn't know or trust but, you know, I'm looking on the bright side. Afterall, i have an amazing family; sharon, Paul and amber love me no matter what. Yes, that is the main reason for my inspirational change of heart...

Plus, sharon threatening to go 'Counceller' on me. Oh yes, you heard me. Sharon, the women who gets panicked or depressed about spoilt milk, was a counsellor. I knew I shouldn't have let her quit that job; it always comes back to haunt me in some ways. Once a therapist always a therapist. I'm just lucky she didn't get out the - what the heck! I feel a torrent of shivers go through me as the water turns ice cold.

"ahhh! Am-b-ber, you lit-tle b-brat. I'm gonna kill you!" I shiver as i jump out of the shower now spraying freezing cold water, that had suddenly turned to ice half way through me washing my hair. My typical luck. I look at the mirror in horror as I see my hair in a tangled mess on top of my head. I tug at it to see if it's salvageable to no prevailing.

' that's what happens when you don't use conditioner ' the blunt voice in my head says. I ignore it as I look in the mirror again. This was going to be more than its worth to untangle, yet I'd have to somehow manage to thanks to amber... She's so dead.

Now, you may be wondering why I'm so annoyed with my oh so lovely sister. Well, I'll give one guess as to who's responsible for this 'oh, so funny' situation. And it doesn't stop here. Oh,no. She has been pulling stupid stunts from the moment we stepped out of the cinema yesterday. As a matter of fact, stunt one happened in the cinema - she 'helped out' by pouring popcorn down the back of my top... So I wouldn't get hungry. Least to say I smelt like butter for the rest of the film. Then it was the glue on the chair trick smoothly followed by the plate stuck to the table trick in macky D's... I always thought those staff smiled at me a little too happily...

When we got home, pink paint 'magically' appeared and happened to fall on me as I opened the door. Needless to say, I was not amused. I can't wait till its her birthday- revenge will be sweet.

" amber you better be ready cause I swear ill make you pay, you brat!" I screech as I hear laughter from downstairs.

" sapphire, don't shout at your sister, she's with me so she didn't do anything! " Sharon shouts back. Talk about favouritism. Lucky brat. " Oh, and hurry up in the shower; your going to be late."

I mumble a few chosen words under my breath as I wrapped a towel around me before going into my room to try and salvage what I can of my hair.

After half an hour of blow drying, combing and overall hacking out my hair , i settle for putting it in a tight, messy ponytail before I slide on my leather jacket and head downstairs to get breakfast.

" what happened to your hair? Ha! It looks like you were attacked by wild animals!" amber giggles as I enter the kitchen.

I make a beeline to get the pancakes and syrup before I make a show of dragging the chair away from the table,and her. Call me extra, but I'm in a bad mood. The least she can do is let me eat in peace.

As I make it clearer I don't want to talk to her, I see tear well up in her eyes, making guilt instantly take its toll on me. Why am I always the bad guy? I sigh before I offer amber one of my pancakes- she better count herself lucky.

' cause your half-eaten pancakes are such an amazing peace offering.' stupid voice in my head snorts.

I smile smuggly as amber takes the pancake with an appreciative smile, proving my efforts were not wasted.

" I'm sorry I played the tricks on you " she said giving me a sheepish smile. I laugh as I wave it off . I wasn't annoyed anymore - not overly annoyed anyway.

" its okay, they were pretty funny, but if you try that again or even think about ruining not one, but two of my outfits I will disown you " I say with a serious tone. I can't help but laugh when I see her face get visibly paler ; this was the best type of revenge and I didn't even have to work for it! I ruffle her hair before I walk out the kitchen." you know, one day you won't be so cute, and I won't have to forgive you. "

I hear her grumble and then mutter " I'm not cute, I'm thirteen" I ignore her and carry on walking until she says " and I bet I have a higher IQ than you too " I spin around smirking.

" if you had a higher IQ than you would have waited till after your birthday to insult me " she groans as i walk out the door to my beauty.

Walking up my drive I stopped at the most amazing friend I've ever had... Excluding cleo.

" how you doing crystal?" I asked her, giving a broad smile. If your wondering, no crystal isn't our neighbour, she's my car and since it is my turn picking up, I got to drive my baby.

I run my hand across the sleek, black paint job as it glistens in the sun. i jump in the convertible, feeling the familiar cool of the gears and wheel under my hands. Pulling on my leather gloves, the engine purrs as I start the ignition... This is my life, and I wasn't going to let some non-existent parents change that.

As cleo gets in she raises a perfectly plucked eyebrow in question. I just laugh as I say the words I'd been thinking all morning "I'm back."

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