Chapter 5

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"Miss Peterson saying I'm appalled at your behaviour today is an understatement. I have no other choice but to send you to the Principal's office. You too Mr Evans." Miss Anderson said after class.


I walked out of the class and soon the devil grabbed me and pulled me into a janitor's closet.

So convenient eh?


"Oh shut up. Like you don't like this." he whispered right into my ear.

I struggled against his grip but he didn't budge and neither did that annoying smirk on his stupid face.

"What do you want?!" I spat.

One day we don't know each other, the next I'm in a janitor's closet with him.

"I will make your life miserable... day after day. But if I can snag a date with that sister of yours I will stay clear of your path."

Of course.

"Is that a threat?"

"Yes. Yes it is."

"You can do better. Let go of me or I swear I'll yell this place down and accuse you of sexual harassment... in court."

Immediately, he let go of me.

I stomped out and with a triumphant smirk I said, "now that's a threat Mr Evans."

He growled at me and stalked ahead.

Stop looking there Allison Peterson! Keep your eyes off there!


"Miss Peterson I will not drag this out. If your plan was to get out of tutoring Mr Evans then you are sorely mistaken. Your punishment; you'll tutor him FOUR days a week not two anymore." Mrs McHenry said immediately we walked in.

"WHAT?!" Keith and I both shouted.

"We have three other days of the week you two, want to lose those too?"

"But Mrs McHenry that's punishing ME!" Keith shouted red in the face.

Ha! I love the look but not now!

"Principal I promise! I won't cause any more trouble in this school! I swear to you ma'am!!" I yelled outraged.

"Any other thing?" she asked cooly.

Both of us just stared at her dumbfounded.

"Good that's all. You may leave now. Four days. Starting from today. Any more trouble and I'll give you something much much worse. Mr Evans have your mum call me. Good day."

"But- but- UGH!"

"Good day to you too ma'am." Keith said and walked out.

"What the fudge do you mean by good day to her you idiotic buffoon?! I'm not tutoring you for FOUR days in a week!" I yelled running after him.

"No one said you had to tutor me. You just have to be at my house." he said and left me standing there.



"Hey Lee have you seen Al?"

"Nope. Don't worry, she isn't lost. How was your first day?" he asked collecting my bag from me as we walked towards his car.

"Good. You never said how much eye candy you had here. It's gonna be Halloween everyday for me."

He laughed at that and said winking, "good for you. Just make sure you brush everyday."

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