The first signs

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                   I slowly open my eyes as the bright light of the sun starts to fill every corner of the bedroom. I then hear the bustling sounds of the busy streets of New York City that is three stories below. I can only assume that people are now trying to get to work judging by the amount of sunlight and the noise in the streets. I don't know why we choose an apartment that is the closest to Times Square last year when we moved in together,but we did. It does have some perks though. We can visit the stores 24/7. And it's not as expensive as other places. I feel Alec's strong and tan arms wrapped around me. It's nice that he is able to hold me protectively but not squish me. It's just right.

                    Suddenly, I feel my stomach start to churn. I quickly put my hand on it. Then I start to feel my head throb. Like a dull throb.

                    I quickly run to the bathroom, holding my stomach with one hand and my head with the other. By the time I get there and open the toilet seat, I'm emptying out last nights dinner. This is weird. I have never gotten sick like this in all 800 years I've been alive. Maybe I got food poisoning. I should try to conjure up a potion or spell to try to cure this. Then I feel my stomach hurting again. Uh oh.

                     Next thing I know, I'm leaning over the toilet again spilling my guts out. Great start to the morning.

                     "Magnus, where are you?" I hear Alec yell from the bedroom. I must have woken him up from the sounds I made in the bathroom. He pops his head through the door and immediately asks "Are you ok?"

                        "Yes I'm perfectly fine, Alec." I say in a sarcastic tone. He then gets down to the floor and kneels beside me, making circle motions on my back. I slowly lift up my head to see Alec's beautiful crystal blue eyes staring into my gold cat eyes. I started to get lost in his eyes when he said " Do you wanna stay in and have a lazy day? Let me take care of you?"

"Sure" I said, hoping that this bug or virus will go away.

Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I will try to update as much as I can since I'm still in high school. See you guys next time!
- C-squared

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