Going to the doctor

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                It's official, I've been sick for an entire week. When I first got sick, I thought I got food poisoning or the flu. Now I feel like I could have something more serious.

                I am now again leaning over the toilet in our apartment. I am getting rid of this mornings breakfast: scrambled eggs and bacon. My stomach now hurts like someone punched me in the torso too many times, and I just want to be better again.

Alec then emerges from outside of the hallway, holding his phone.

"I called the doctor, and I scheduled an appointment for this afternoon. Is that okay babe?" I nod my head before going back to puking my guts out. Alec then goes to the kitchen and comes back with a glass of water.

We arrive at the doctors office and I immediately start to feel fear. What if I caught a mundane disease that's fatal? What if it really is food poisoning and I'll be ok tomorrow?

"Mr. Bane?" I heard the doctor say. I slowly got out of my seat and followed the doctor, Alec behind me.

The whole thing was like a normal checkup, except the part of having to give him blood. While we waited, Alec held me close and told me that whatever happens, he will still love me. I smile at him, hoping that nothing serious is wrong with me.

                  The doctor comes in and tells me I'm perfectly fine, and then he said "You're pregnant, Mr. Bane."

A month without uploading she comes back with a chapter. Hey everyone. I hope you like the story so far. I have a four day weekend coming up so I plan to upload much more. See you next time!

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