.:Chapter 6:.

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Okay look I know that its been like 2 years, but don't get mad. I suck at being consistent and shit. Just enjoy! ~Lucy

     I stared at the boy with rosy pink hair while he stared me back. I was trying to read his facial expression but then noticed he wasn't staring at my eyes, he was staring a little lower. My first instinct was to punch directly in the face sending him flying into the wall in front of the bed.
"Natsu you creep, don't look at me!" I screeched getting off the bed running towards the pile of clothes laying on the floor and of course it was only mine.
"Seriously, Lucy is much better looking than me, why was I the only one clothes-less in this creepy ass dungeon." I mumbled to myself getting dressed. The monster lumbered in after a large roar. Natsu ran over to my side, I stared down the monster and without glancing over to Natsu I told him "Natsu, this thing is mine, go get everyone else out." he nodded and sped off towards the other walls and began to blow them apart looking for everyone else. I slowly began to walk towards the monster, my anger boiled inside of me. (Author: Play this song while reading this segment :) I leaped forward and slammed into the monster at a high speed, it sent him back merely a few feet.
"Is that the best you can do dragonslayer? That barely tickled!" He bellowed. I looked at where I had hit him, my attack had bounced off of him harmlessly. I ran in once more dodging the beams of energy that were shot at me, I slid under the monsters legs to get a view from behind, I saw what looked like a soft spot on his back I lunged for it, but was too slow. I was swatted away like a bug I hit the wall behind me.
"Gaha!" I screeched as I slammed against the wall. I felt as if my body had just shattered into a million pieces. I tried to stand up but as I did, the monster hit me with a beam which sent farther through the wall. My chances of winning this fight was zero, I needed to give in and forfeit the fight let the monster do what ever he desired I didn't care anymore. I had lost lost my magic so I was essentially defenseless. I had lost
"Sekai, never look at your life as insignificant! Never forget those friends that loved you!" I heard a voice say. It rang throughout my mind for a few seconds.
"Now what Dragonslayer, you have been defeated, none of your friends can save you, give up." The monster bellowed in laughter. I gritted my teeth and slowly stood up, wobbling back and forth. I began to feel my power to come back as lightning traveled through my body, shadows began to surround me. I felt a million times stronger than I had before. "Whats this, scales, this is Dragon Force!" the monster screeched in terror. I leaped at him with massive speed slamming him backwards a bit and knocking him off balance. I jolted behind him and thought to myself 'Here goes nothing.' I slammed my fists together and sprinted towards the monster, lightning and shadows surrounding my fist, I punched him in the soft spot on his back
"Lightning Shadow Dragons Iron Fist!" I screeched pressing my fist as hard as I could against this monsters back. The lightning traveled through his entire body and unexpectedly, he disintegrated into ash. I had done it, I had beaten the monster. I turned and looked at all of my friends running towards me.
"Sekai is okay!" Izan yelled flying and hugging me
"Yep, Sekai IS okay." I replied to the exceed.
I the passed out from the over exertion of energy. Natsu caught me before I hit the ground. Thats all I remember before it all went black.  I woke up in a strange place the interior looked like the hollowed out inside of a large tree. I glanced around the room and saw very little furniture, a bed, what looked like a work desk, some barrels a shelf with lots of books. I sat up but I felt a stabbing pain in my arm, it was rapped in bandages along with most of my body. 

"That fight took quite a toll on you." A familiar voice said. I swiveled my head in the direction of the voice and saw Master Makarov standing at the side of the bed.
"Master," I said not really knowing what to say next. I looked at him and I began to feel a sense of relief to see him.
"Don't worry child, everyone is okay. You made it out alive and that's what matters. Your quite the powerful wizard I hear." He replied. I giggled a little and nodded my head. "Natsu was worried about you, you know. Everyone at Fairy Tail was worried about you." he told me. I sat on the bed deep in thought
"How could all of them be worried, I don't even know most of them." I asked the Master. He just looked at me strait in the eyes and said
"Nobody at Fairy Tail has to know you or be close friends with you to worry, here at Fairy Tail, we are all one big family. We fight for each other and live for one another, that is what it means to be a member of Fairy Tail. " I thought to myself about what Natsu had said to me before during the fight. He believed in me, they all did, that's what gave me the strength to win the fight. I felt a warm feeling which was suddenly shot in the face when a woman walked in and yelled
"She's awake? Good, you can both leave now, I hate humans." she said in a nasty attitude. I was a bit surprised, I looked at Makarov and he nodded for me to get dressed and ready to leave.
"Thank you Porlyusica for your help, you once again have done an excellent job. I looked at the woman and then back at Makarov while getting dressed. I put my shorts and shirt on and then I slipped on my boots. Master Makarov and I then headed out after saying another thank you and goodbye to her. We walked for a little while until we reached Magnolia, we headed strait for Fairy Tail. When we arrived, I opened the doors and sure enough everybody was sitting waiting for my return. I was grabbed by the hot head tightly
"Natsu, your hurting me!" I yelled kneeing him in the stomach. Everyone in the guild surrounded me and was asking if I was okay. I nodded and answered most of the questions. I slapped a guy with purple hair for asking me to get naked. I later learned from Lucy that his name was Macao and it was best if I stayed away from him and Wakaba, the guy with Elvis hair. I sat down at the booth and I surrounded like a celebrity, it couldn't be helped I guess. Izan flew around and landed into my arms yelling
"Sekai! Your okay!" I rubbed his head and told him laughing
"Don't worry buddy, I'm stronger than you think." I looked around the room, and the only person who didn't seem to be smiling was a guy with a long fur coat, blonde spiky hair and a scar down his face in the shape of a lightning bolt. He seemed a little alone. I looked away for one second to talk to Mira and when I looked back, he was gone.

 "Who was that?" I asked turned and asked Mira. She looked at me in confusion, 

"Who?" she asked me "I don't see anyone over there."
"He had blonde hair, with a scar down the side of his face like a lightning bolt," I told her
"Oh you mean Laxus? He's Master's Grandson" she said with a grim face, which in Mira's case wasn't normal.
"Whats wrong Mira?" I questioned hoping I wasn't going to far with this question.
"He attacked Fairy Tail, trying to take control of it and getting rid of Master in the process. He was originally banished, but he helped Natsu win against Hades. Then Master made Gildarts Master, and then Gildarts said let Laxus back and then he reappointed Makarov as Master." She said. Many thoughts were flowing through my mind at the moment. I wasn't really sure what to think. Should I trust him or not, he seemed a bit sketchy. Whatever, gonna have to go with what ever fate brings upon me. I looked behind be and saw Natsu staring at me from a distance, I sent him a playful shock. It zapped him and he jumped, his hair stood up on end (More than usual :D ) he marched over to me and yelled in my face
"Was that you?!" I giggled a little bit and replied
"Maybe it was, what are you gonna do about it?" He glared at me, I could tell he was pretty pissed off.
"Your so unbearable sometimes you know that!?" He yelled turning around and walking away.
"That's my job Natsu, mine and mine alone." I said looking at Gray "Mine."
"Hey, if it's what you enjoy I'm not gonna take it from you, your scary strong Sekai."
"Good, and that's how I intend to keep it. Hey what the hell is going on over at the other side of the room?" I asked Gray. Gray looked over to where I had pointed.
"Oh, the annual Miss Fairy Tail competition is this week, the results for who people think are gonna be in the top three must be in. " he replied, the shirtless Ice Mage, pointed over there as if telling me to go look. So reluctantly I stood up and walked over to the board, pushing my way through the crowd to see who was in the top ranks for favorites.

5. Juvia
4. Lucy
3. Mirajane
2. Erza
I looked at the number one spot and freaked out. I almost let loose a cannon of lightning, which probably would have killed somebody. I looked at the number one spot one more time to double check and what I saw the first time, was the exact same thing. In the spot for number one was

1. Sekai  

There you have it folks chapter 6 please enjoy and dont get mad at me!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2016 ⏰

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