.:Chapter Two:.

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 The next time I woke up, I was in a bed in a small room with a wooden ceiling and a window. Next to me was a tray table with a plate on with steaming steak, mashed potatoes and a nice salad with a glass of water next to it. I sat up and my stomach growled, I realized that Izan wasn’t in here and I had a panic attack. I flipped the sheets up and off the bed I leaped onto the floor with a thud, I ran towards the door but right before I got to open it, the door flung into my face smashing me against the wall. I saw a guy with rosy pink hair walk into the room, the same one that I had seen walking over to me before I passed out after getting hit by the table.

            “What the hell asshole?” I yelled at the boy rubbing my forehead “Don’t swing the door open so fast! Where is Izan, what did you do with him?” I said with tears dripping out and down my face I stared the boy in the eyes with a death glare.

            “Sekai its okay, Izan is right here!” the red exceed said floating into the room in to my arms. I hugged him tightly

            “Where are we?” I asked openly for anyone to answer hopefully somewhere safe. The boy with rosy pink hair looked at me with a funny look on his face before smiling

            “This is Fairy Tail!” He said as what looked like another exceed floated into the room and landed onto the boys shoulders.

            “Aye! I’m Happy” the blue cat said. I looked at the cat and then looked at the boy.

            “”Hi, I’m Natsu.” The boy said extending his hand for a handshake. I took his hand and shook it

“Sekai, and this is my partner Izan.” I replied to him and stared blankly into his black eyes. He gave off an odd aura, a very powerful. “I want to fight you.” I said blankly.

“We just met, but if it’s a fight you want, it’s a fight you will get.” Natsu said looking excited.

 I looked at the boy with the rosy pink hair, with a slight glare of excitement showing. It looked as if he was about to say something but I didn't give him the chance. I lunged forward towards him with my fist nailing him in the side of the face sending him flying through the wall. Everyone in the guild hall was astonished to see the boy crash against the opposite wall as they slowly looked over at me standing in the hole of the wall. I saw Natsu stand up and he wiped his cheek 

   "Heh not bad, not good enough though!" He yelled sprinting towards me with amazing speed. A fire ignited in his hand the flames engulfing his entire fist he leaped into the air, "Fire Dragons Iron Fist!" He yelled as he came down with amazing force the fist hit me strait in my chest knocking the air out of me as I hit the grind with a thud. He hit slightly too high on my chest nailing my breast. The pain I felt in my chest right now was unimaginably excruciatingly painful. I clenched my teeth together in the pain I stood up slowly shaking. I looked him the eye, lifted a finger and said very quietly 

"Lightning Dragons Thunder Shock" electricity shot out of my finger tips zapping the boy and leaving him on the ground with electricity flowing through his body. 

"ENOUGH!" Boomed a voice. A women with scarlet red hair padded over toward us with a deadly expression on her face. Her eyes looked as if she was ready to kill me. I looked at her in fear slowly backing up away from the boy. With each step she stepped closer to me, was each step I took backing away from her into I finally hit a wall. She pinned me up against the wall by my hair.  "Who are you? What is your business here?" She yelled into my face. I looked at her trying to not cry in fear 

"M-my n-n-name is Se-Sekai Evans." I stuttered "I woke u-up and found him there I challenged him t-to a fight and that's how this happened. Ow my head can you put me down?" I begged. She put me down and I looked at her 

"I'm Erza Scarlet and I am a fairy tail mage." She said still glaring I my face. She walked away slowly. The be t person to walk over to me was a girl with blonde hair with an even BIGGER chest than me. I was kinda jealous. I looked at her she gave me a feeling of comfort and compassion.

"Hi, I'm Lucy, come on let's go back to my place and I can clean you up." She said smiling. She helped me stand up and she grabbed my hand and headed for the door to exit the guild hall.

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