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Your POV

I felt someone put me over their shoulders, "they know, they're coming," I heard Kayden talking to someone on the phone- it was on speaker.

"They know where we live?" I heard Skylar say in no tone. "Grab everything you get your hands on,"

He nodded, but then realized he couldn't see him. "Yeah, no worry. I will." He hanged up, and I felt him so tensed up.

"Where the hell are we going," I more demanded to know.

"They know, my friend I guess, from the school told them everything."

My eyes shot up, I then started hitting him on his back. "Let me go! Let me go! Just leave me here, please Kayden."

"No, I can't. I can't tell you why, but I can't." He sighed loudly and groaned a bit.

There was no use of trying to ask anymore, I give up. No one is ever going to find me. He laid me down in the car, reaching for my wrists he cuffed them tightly against my skin. I whimpered a bit.

"I got to go to the washroom," I lied.

"Can't you wait?" He rolled his eyes, while shutting my door.

"What? No. What if I got my period? There will be blood all over your seat, and it will stink." I tried to hold myself from smirking to him.

He went to the trunk and came back with a Spider-Man towel. I got up as he laid it underneath me. "Great, Spider-Man could've saved me but instead I'm sitting on his face," I mumbled. I blew a strand of hair from my face, bored out of my mind.

Kayden went and grabbed a few of his clothes, a suitcase, but not just any normal suitcase. It was like for a job.

Cody and Shelby got in the car. Shelby and Cody sat in the front while I was in the back by myself. Where's Skylar? It's not much of a surprise, he's always out of that house. Wrecking himself, spreading aids.

We drove for like three hours. By the time, I already knew where we were. Arizona. The warmth hugged me and it felt so nice, there were palm trees; and I love palm trees.

7:30 am

"Y/n? Have you been awake this whole car ride?" He nervously asked with his lip bite, I started thinking that when he bit his lip, it was hot in some way.

"no." I blankly replied. I looked beside me seeing Skylar, my eyebrows furrowed. Why did he have to be by me? Psychotic whore had a gun to my head.

We arrived at a huge, expensive hotel. "Whoa," I awed. Kayden snickered, as he looked back at me. He got out the car and headed to my side, taking off my hand cuffs. I squeezed my hands. He let me out and took a suitcase and a bag- my bag?!

"Is that my bag?" I opened my eyes wide.

"Yeah, Cody sneaked into your house,"

I rolled my eyes, I can't do anything about it.

I followed him inside, I could go up to anyone and ask them to call the cops, I could.
But if I did Kayden would kill me or break my bone. Anything really, then he would take me further away. Further away from my friends and family.

"Scream or tell anyone what's happening-"

"Threatening me? Don't worry I won't say anything.." I told Kayden as I continued to follow him up to a room. He opened the door,

"This is our room," he smiled and bounced himself on the bed.

"There's only one bed." I glared into his eyes, he smirked.

"Yeah? We can cuddle tonight,"

I sat on the edge of the bed. "I don't know you." I called out slowly.

"Well, what do you want to know about me?" He sat up holding his hands and staring at me. I blushed slightly.

"Erm.." I was trying to think deeply, but his image was- ugh shut up.

"Don't be shy." He chuckled and came closer to me, "what do you want to know?"

"You're kidnapping me, I'm going to be at least a little shy. Anyway, why me? Out of all the girls in the town, you choose me?"

"I just fell in love with the way you talk and you. You seemed sweet and kind, I imagined this would've been different. I sometimes feel like you'll never love me,"

Damn right I won't.

"Oh," was all I put out.

"That's all? Just oh.." he mocked me. I turned myself away from him.

"Yeah, that's all. Don't expect anything else, you abused me and kidnapped me," I huffed and heard someone come in.

"hello? Who are you?" Kayden asked while he stood up. He seemed awfully scared when Kayden got up, showing himself off.

"I'm just.. room service." He smiled slightly at me, it put me in an uncomfortable spot.

Obsessed - Shawn Mendes Where stories live. Discover now