Chapter 8

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I look around the classroom, inspecting every single desk with my eyes and how predictable, the only one available is the one behind me. He walks towards to the usual school desk, in what looks like slow motion, I don't know if it is from my vision or if he's doing it in purpose, aiming me to get pissed off but my mind start to spinning around. What if he is stalking me? I hope and pray to not. When he finally sits on the damaged wood chair, the teacher begins again the class.

"Skylar." I hear his voice calling my name but I don't respond or look at him. The last time I did, the teacher caught me. "Skylar." He calls again within about two minutes.

"What?" I whisper, without turning myself or even look at him.

"What are you going to do tonight?" He asks.

"We are in the middle of class, can you please ask me that later and now shut the fuck up." I try to speak as low as I can.

Nothing. He didn't replied or tried to get my attention for the rest of the class and I'm grateful to god he didn't. At the moment the bell rings I put my headphones on, connecting them to my phone and press play. Warrior by Foxes starts to full and harmonize my ears, I give big and long steps and walk as fastest I can to getaway from Zayn but when I was about to reach the door of the clean corridor, I feel a strong hand grabbing my arm and all of sudden, my lips are so close to his and I can feel his breath hitting my sweaty and nervous skin of my face. My headphones end up falling on the floor and letting the music in the middle of the chorus.

"Don't you dare to reply to me like you did moments ago, ever again." He threatens me with his eyes fixed on mine. We are so close that I could smell a mix of tobacco and fresh mint odores coming out from his mouth.

"I'm sorry." I whisper into his face blinking my eyelashes and licking my bottom lip.

"Tonight we are going to a fraternity party." He informs me.

"Zayn, today is monday and I have school tomorrow morning. I need to rest."

"We are going, end of the discusion. You have to learn that I don't give a single fuck about if you need to rest or not." At the sound of his words I just nod. I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream but I couldn't. "Make sure you wear something hot." He whispers in my ear and walks away.

My body stays numb staring at him. What am I doing with my life? I'm starting to think if I made a good choice coming to here, to the university. If I didn't came to here I would end up to meet Zayn anyway, after all he is friend with Crystal. This is my future I shouldn't regret my future, I know it's going to be hard but I shouldn't regret it.

I catch my headphones from the floor and connect them back to my phone, the music start to play in my ears and I follow my way to the exit door. The sun rays from California, San Francisco begin to impinge my face as I pass the glass big door. I have all afternoon free to do anything I want but I don't have a car to move to everywhere I please, maybe it's time to buy one. I've been saving for one since I got my driving license, I will buy one next sunday.

I know exactly what I want and who I want to be, I know exactly why I walk and talk like a machine, I'm now becoming my own self-fulfilled prophecy.

Oh No! by Marina and the Diamonds just came on shuffle from my phone music playlist and everytime it I hear the more I think it looks my life, It's one of my favorite songs ever. It totally expresses my feelings and thoughts, just not to mention that I love the singer, she is so talented on writting and singing. The music continues to play and I walk to the nearest bus stop, while I wait for the bus to come, I pull from my purse a pack of cigarettes and smoke one. I'm not sure what I'm going to do today, Crystal is probably still sleeping and I don't have any commitments marked, nothing to do. I'm not really in the mood to go home right now, I'm not going to waist a sunny day inside of my house. 

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