Chapter 7

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As I see the electric blue car coming closer my heart starts to beating really fast, Niall said it was ok but I knew he wanted to find more about it and I personally think he is going to ask me stuff.

His face is covered with some black sunglasses that fit perfectly into his face. I enter in the car and I give him a soft kiss on his rosy cheek, he smiled but i knew it was a forced smile.

"Ok Sky, I really like you but there's just one thing I hate in people. The fact they hide stuff from me, so can you please tell me what the fuck happened when Zayn went to your house?" He roughly says and surprises me. I wanted to be his friend, I really did, but if this is the real him, well goodbye friendship. I am already being controled by mother and now Zayn. I will not let anyone, more take advantages of me, for god sake, this is my life not theirs.

"Niall, please don't talk to me like that. While I was waiting for you, I thought that it would be a good idea to tell you what happen last night, but after you talked to me like that, I'm sorry but you can forget it. I will not trust my life with someone that is way too protective, like you seemed to be right now." I answer him. My hands start sweating and I did not know why, my stomach is twitching and my body was heavily shaking. I guess I am nervous, no, I am definitely nervous.

"Get out." He says without looking at me, not even with a simple glance.

"Niall?!" Why is he treating me like this?

"Can you please leave my car, now?" this time his eyes are looking at me. I couldn't understand why he is treating me like this and in his expression I could not find the answer either. I quickly grab my purse and leave the comfortable and expensive car.

What the hell did just happen? I seriously want to thank god that I trusted my instinct and didn't tell him anything what happened last night. I thought I could trust him, I thought he was my friend, I thought that maybe I could build a good friendship with him or maybe a relationship but I was wrong. So wrong. I don't have anyone to call to, anyone. Crystal worked all night in the bar, she must be exhausted and this is just not to mention that I left Zayn in our house, so when she arrive, she will have to deal with him, I'm not going to call her, she will be too tired and too busy. I live here since I born, well almost, but I don't have friends at all. When I was in school I didn't have time to make friends.

My life were school, house, bar, house, school. Everyday, in three years since my father died. Last year I guess I could actually made some friends because the only thing I did was working on that horrible place but I prefered not to make them. I had Crystal and Blaze and I was happy with just them in my life, Crystal's boyfriend is nice too and I can call him a friend too but I just don't have enough confidence on him yet. The rest of the people that coexist with me are my colleagues at Red Lipstick but every single one is a cold, heartless and common bitch. Maybe my mother, yeah I think I could call my mother. When I was about to dial her number, I remembered myself that I was on the bus stop, so I could just wait and take the bus. I was already late for my Social Media class, maybe it is better if I just skip it.

I waited for the bus about ten minutes and the ride to the university was fastest than I thought it would be, which it left me with some extra time, so I decided to explore the entire college area. Niall only showed me the Writing & Languages building, I have many more to explore.

When I was about to enter in the big area I notice on a coffee in the corner but is not a normal coffee shop. On the storefront it had vinyls from old artists and recent ones, I notice it has one of my favorite band album cover in the middle of the window. I love you by The Neighbourhood, I like their music since Blaze showed them to me. Me and Blaze have the same taste in music while Crystal has a completly different one. The big and clean window has a lot of more artists that I like so I decide to enter in and maybe order a coffee. The shop is bigger than I really thought, is decorated with old soffas and big wood tables, everything is in tones of pastel greens and light browns, it also has cabinets with shelves full of books and once again more vinyls. I think this is going to be my favorite place to be, it is quiet and looks so much comfortable and welcome.

I walk towards the lady with a dark green apron and order a big cup of dark coffee, my favorite and in my opinion one of the best. She told me I could sit where ever I pleased, that she would bring me it in ten minutes. I start searching for a book to read, there's many good titles on this shelfs but I choose one that I already read it million of times and it always fascinates me. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, this book has such an emotional grip and haunting narrative which let us fall in love with every character. Everytime I read it, the more I think Jane looks like me, where her aunt reminds my mother, that hates me and keeps constantly saying that I'm worthless. I take the book in my hands and sit on the soffa next to the window, the lady hands me the hot cup of coffee and I pay for it. The smell of the coffee and this book old and worn pages together makes me chills all over my skin, this moment couldn't get any better.

As I finish the first chapter I hear the door bell ringing and I put all of my attention on him. How could he be here, this was supposed to be my place, my refuge. He fucking finds me everytime I find a good place to be in. First on the beach, now here. He's starting to annoy me.

"Sky..." His eyes meet mine and he his pitched voice speaks.

"Don't worry, Louis. I was already leaving." I growl. The fastest I leave the fastest it will get better. I finish the warm sour liquid, take the cup and the book on my two hands and deliver them to the lady in the counter. I walk back to the soffa where I was sitting few moments ago and grab my purple purse and leather jacket.

"Sky, you don't have to leave." He says with a uncomprehending look. I actually don't know why I am always running away from him but I don't feel comfortable enough to be next to Zayn's best friend.

"Yes I have." I tell him, without looking him in the eyes.

I walk away from the coffee and turn the corner on my way to the university again. I am a little lost, I have now my Portuguese extra class and I don't know where is the room or the edifice. It must be in same I use to have my main classes, I think so. Thank god they had Portuguese on their extra classes list, I feel like it is such a beautiful language, my father used to listen portuguese songs all the time and I have a trunk full of classic portuguese books in my bedroom that belonged to him.

While I walk towards the Writing & Languages building I remind myself that I have Portuguese in same place as History of Communication.

When I reach to the red door and opened it, the room is empty. Then I look at the clock suspended on the wall upon the electronic whiteboard, it's 1:30 pm, thank god I had that coffee or I would be starving, is also really early so that's why nobody is in the room already. I choose the desk that is illuminated by the sun light outside and rest my head above it letting the sunbeams focus on my face.

After fifteen minutes, the ediffice bell rings and everyone starts to enter and making noise.

"Bom dia, turma." The lady with black transparent glasses insured by her big nose says. What the hell is she talking about I didn't understand any word she said.

"Podem abrir os vossos livros na página quatro e ler o primeiro texto." Everyone starts looking at each other with a pain expression, I could understand nobody is comprehending what is she talking about. It was painful but funny to see.

The teacher burst into laugh making me smile a little, this woman is crazy, I like her.

"I'm just kidding, I'm not going to speak in portuguese to you guys that way, that soon. First we will learn the basic and then we will try to speak it fluently. I want to also inform that just because this is an extra class it doesn't mean you don't have to work harder than your main classes because if you are here just because you need extra classes in your curriculum you better stand your butt from the chair and walk away. So, my name is Teresa Silva and I hope you guys are ready to work with me." She scared me a little but I still really like her.

She start handing us what usual teachers do in the first class, a paper with all the themes we are going to abord along the year. I start to read the paper and themes but then I was interrupted with his voice.

"Sorry, I'm late. Can I come in?" No this can't be happening to me, not again.

"Of course. What's your name?" Miss Silva says.

"Zayn. Zayn Malik."

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