chapter 6 - hospital kidnapping

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I pressed my cheek against the cold tile floor beneath me, trying to stop the world from spinning. My head was pounding in pulses of pure agony from the impact with the table. Shakily, I lifted my hand up and gingerly touched the cut on my temple. Crimson blood stained my fingertips when I brought them back down, and tiny droplets speckled the floor.

This was not happening.

In all honesty, a person never expects to go to work and sustain what appeared to be a pretty bad blow to the head. What I expected was to close up- rather begrudgingly- and head home, where I would watch some cheesy late night TV and think about what Niall had planned for our "date" that I was choosing to ignore. Since he was as romantic and classy as a doorknob, I assume it would go something along the lines of him "trying to bang me", as he liked to pleasantly phrase it.

But unfortunately for me, things never quite go as planned.

"Oh shit," one of the guys exclaimed, "She's bleeding all over the place."

"Make her stop," the other one intelligently remarked.

I almost quite literally rolled my eyes, if it hadn't been such a dire situation. A hand suddenly closed around the back of my shirt and yanked me roughly to my feet. My immediate reaction was to try and push his hand off, which resulted in my hair being tugged harshly.

"Well, let's just have a little fun with her, and then we can leave." the one holding me muttered, looking at me with such a hungry intensity I felt cold dread wash all the way down to my toes.

"Don't touch me," I demanded, voice cracking along with my sliver of bravery.

There was a moment of drop dead silence, and all you could here was the quiet whurring of the overhead fan in the next room. And suddenly they were all laughing hysterically.

"Sorry sweet thing," he chuckled, "But I don't think that's going to happen."

His large hand caressed my cheek, trailing down my neck and settling on my shoulder, which he gave a squeeze. This was different then Niall touching me, it was creepy and scary and I really, really just wanted to die right on the spot. I froze as his hands were suddenly roaming, touching and sliding up and down. He was touching me, touching me and I can't even remember if I pleaded or begged for him to stop. Fear had closed a clawed hand around my throat until I couldn't breathe. And then I suddenly kicked him so hard in the crotch it hurt my foot.

As the guy curled over in pain, I stumbled backwards several feet, reaching blindly behind me until I felt my fingers close around the handle of the cutting knife I had seen earlier. Knife fights weren't my level of expertise, really. But I was not going to let these guys do anything, as this had happened before. I had been broken by a monster and sloppily put back together again, but I was frayed at the edges. It turned me into the screwed up, untouchable person I was. And I hated it.

"You guys need to leave," I said quietly, holding the knife out in front of me. The blade gleamed wickedly in the fluorescent light.

They all stopped several feet back, watching me nervously. I tightened my fingers around the handle and darted forward with a swipe of the weapon, watching as they all jumped back several feet.

"Bitch is whack," they muttered, and in that moment I truley was. "Let's get out of here."

I watched them leave, not moving from my defensive position with the knife, where I stayed for the next couple minutes. The knife suddenly fell from my hand and clattered to the floor as a wretched sob broke from my mouth.


"Surprise seeing you here-" Niall began, swinging open his front door with a smile on his face. He stopped though, upon seeing my crumpled face. My hand held a paper towel to my cut, dried blood in my hair and tears clouding my vision.

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