chapter 13 - newfound fear

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"Niall." I said anxiously, just as Niall swiped a hand out and grabbed hold of Scott's collar, pushing him roughly against the wall.

"I want you to apologize to her." Niall demanded, "Now."

Scott crinkled his nose, as though asked to swallow nails. "So you're the famous Niall Horan. I should've guessed, you're always following Abbey around like some stalker."

There was a resounding crack that sounded when Scott's head hit the wall. Niall, either not seeming to hear or care, repeated the shove. I winced at the sound of his skull making contact.

"Okay, it's fine. I don't need an apology. He's a dick, I get it." I rushed, pulling lightly on his arm to get his attention. Niall didn't think much when he was mad, he reacted on emotions, and I didn't want his emotions to accidentally kill someone.

"But I want to hit him." Niall whined like a child, balling his hand into a fist and rearing his arm back.

I caught his wrist when he pulled it back, positioning himself for a hit. Niall looked back in genuine surprise, the dark cloud of anger momentarily clearing in his eyes when he saw my desperate expression. He didn't move, instead remained with his brow furrowed, and muscles clenched. He glanced back at the boy he had captive.

"Fine." he sighed, releasing Scott so abruptly he fell to the floor. "Let's get the hell out of here."

Placing his hands between my shoulder blades, Niall began to me towards the back door. He gave a content sigh, as though happy to have me near again, and his thumbs slid across the straps of the tank top I was wearing. He tugged on them playfully. "Too cute to waste on this douche," he commented, "But I bet it would look even better off."

"You know what would look even better," I replied dryly, "If I put on another layer instead."

At the back door, a voice said behind us, "All bark and no bite, isn't it? Niall Horan, I know you may act tough, but it's all for show. Everybody likes a bad guy, and that's exactly the role you're playing."

"Who even uses that expression anymore?" I said in a haste to diffuse the tension. Niall had froze with his hand against the door. His fingers tightened around the handle, veins becoming prominent on his arms.

"That fucker is just asking for it." Niall grumbled, brushing past me and lifting Scott at an arms length away. And then, with surprising ease, he proceeded to punch him across the face. A sickening crack followed the hit.

Niall examined his knuckles while Scott staggered away. "You got blood on my hand."

"You broke my nose!" Scott shouted, his voice muffled as he hurriedly tried to stem the flow of blood with the hem of his tshirt.

"I know." Niall replied casually, "I meant to." He glanced back at me, forehead creasing in worry at my pale complexion. I, meanwhile, stared at the flecks of blood that dotted the wood floor.

"Jesus Christ, Niall." I said weakly, pressing my hand to my temple. "You don't just go breaking people's noses."

"Do you honestly think you're what's best for her?" Scott spat, as he sagged against the wall for support. He pinched the bridge of his nose. "You're exposing her to violence she shouldn't be seeing, all because you've grown fond. It's selfish. Besides, you and I both know this is one girl that won't be easy to use for sex-"

Niall's eyes flashed with a fury I had never seen before, almost animalistic, as he reared back and punched him again. "God don't you know how to shut up?" he fumed, as Scott dropped like a rock on the floor. Moving forward, looking silent and powerful, he planted his dirty sneaker on the boys chest. "Now listen to me, and listen closely, because I'm only going to say this once. If you talk about her like that ever again, I will break every bone in your body, and make sure your conscious the entire time."

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