chapter 11 - first date

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Going to school the next day was even worse then I had imagined. Whispers trailed behind me as I weaved my way down the hall, news about my almost arrest spreading like wildfire. Conspiracy theories were being created on what chaos Niall and I were planning next. Perfect, exactly the person I wanted to be associated with.

"You're back!" Maggie exclaimed, nearly knocking me down when I entered first period. I blinked in surprise and held her an arms length away as to avoid be crunched in a hug. Although weary of the contact, I appreciated her enthusiasm to see me.

"I was only gone for a couple days."

"A lot can happen in a couple days." she said, trailing behind me as I moved to sit down. "Everybody heard what happened-"

"You mean what didn't happen." I sighed, "I am not selling, nor am I dealing drugs with Niall. It was a big misunderstanding. Do I look like a druggie to you?" I pointed to the rainbow stickers on my binder for emphasis. 

Maggie gave me a once over. "Not particularly. But who knows, you're hanging around with Niall. That guy is scary as hell, yet hot in a dark criminal sort of way." I crinkled my nose at the comment, but she plowed through. "You won't believe it though, since this all happened, Scott keeps talking about you. He thinks you're a bad ass now."

I had dropped my pencil beneath my desk, but shot up so fast at her words I smacked my head against the metal underside. Swearing, I rubbed the spot and said, "After years of ignoring me, this guy is now taking an interest because of a rumor? What a prick."

"A hot prick though." Maggie declared dramatically, tossing her fiery hair. "He wants to tame you."

"What the hell- I forbid you from ever saying that again."

"What can I say? Scott McKinley wants to take you on a date. Mini-golfing or something. Said so himself, but the only conflict is that lilac kid you're always hanging with."


I found said lilac kid at the end of the day.

Niall was leaning against my locker with his arms crossed over his chest when I walked over. Cool blue eyes surveyed the crowd, spotting me immediatly as I entered the proximity. It was obvious he was hung over from yesterday, lilac hair a rumpled mess, his face displaying exhaustion.

"Sweetheart." he said in greeting as I approached. "Why are you always so hard to find?"

"Why are you always looking for me?" I replied, nudging him off my locker so I could open it. His hand found my ponytail, twisting the hair around his wrist. In one swift movement he pulled out the hair tie and sling shot it into the crowd bustling by, hitting an unsuspecting Freshman.

"I like your hair down." he declared, "I like touching it. Wear it that way."

"God damn it, Niall." I sighed, brushing my hair out of my face as it flopped down my shoulders. Just to irritate him, I said, "A boy is going to ask me out on a date. Scott Mckinley."

Getting the respone I wanted, his face darkened immediately and mouth pressed into a ight line. Eyebrows furrowing, clear annoyance lit up his eyes. "A date? Not happening"

"Yes. Mini-golfing, to be exact."

Niall thin lips twitched. "Why the hell does he think he can that?"

I tossed my books haphazardly into the bottom of my locker, and pulled on my backpack on. "Why wouldn't he?"

"Because of me, that's why. He isn't allowed to do that." Niall grumbled, jaw tightening. He hooked his hand onto my backpack strap, pulling me towards him, as though Scott was going to appear any second. "Who does this guy think he is?"

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