chapter 23 - blanket fort

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"I'll boost you through there," Niall explained in all seriousness, moving underneath the small bathroom window and threading his fingers together, "And then you climb down the wall."

"And then I'll do a triple backflip through oncoming traffic," I added dryly, making the guy sitting in the bathroom stall laugh.

There are many places a couple wouldn't want to be in on their date nights, and in the men's room of a restaurant downtown is one of them. This wasn't our preferred spot, more like Niall and I were on a double date with Zayn and his pole dancing girlfriend from hell, when we spotted my mom and fled to the only place we could: the male bathroom.

"Don't even think about it," Niall snapped, startling a man who was fussing with pants in front of the urinal, "Can't you see I've got a damn girl in here."

"Get the damn girl out," the man argued.

"Really," I said bitterly, "Because I was hoping I could stay in here longer and observe how things work. Continue as is."

Niall spun me around with sudden fluidity, and despite the fact we were in a bathroom, he took this time to capture my mouth in an aggressive kiss. I blinked in surprise at the ferocity of his mouth against mine, and there was a lot of warmth and tongue and his teeth creating obvious indents on my lip. I realized this was more off a distraction then anything, because he suddenly has two large hands around my waist, beginning to lift me up towards the window.

"This is a horrible idea," I panicked, grabbing his wrists and struggling to get back to the floor, "Niall, put me down, put me down. I'm not gonna fit."

Niall made a sound of disagreement, squeezing my hips in reply. "Oh, sweetheart, hush. You're so small."

I fumbled with the lock for a moment, before pushing the window open with an ancient creak. Swinging one leg over the sill, I wobbled for support while struggling to straddle the ledge, half inside and half out.

"So that's what you're wearing under that dress," Niall said lowly, his gaze shining as he looked up at me. I felt my face grow hot; a typical reaction when it came to Niall's abundance of innuendos. But yet I liked the feeling that I somehow (god only knows how) was able to create such a reaction from him. He wanted me, and he was fine to show it.

I subtly moved my dress down where it had bunched up around my thighs. "I swear, that knife taped to my leg was only for precautions."

"Really, because I was talking about that cute little black pair of-"

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me," a voice said as the door swung open, cueing Zayn's entrance. He paused and took in the scene: me balancing on the window in the men's bathroom as Niall and other fellow patrons watch. His dark eyes settled on me for a moment, before moving his accusatory gaze to his lilac haired friend.

"Really?" Zayn said, "Really? This is where you take your girlfriend? I walk in on you pushing her through the window in the men's bathroom."

Niall looked bewildered, glancing back at me for a moment. "Well, I wasn't really pushing. You see, her moms here, and we're technically not suppossed to be dating, so-"

"The world is never going to accept the fact that you're dating, Niall," Zayn interrupted, "You two will always be running. The girl afraid of touching and the boy with the purple hair, two of the most troublesome people I've ever met. Everywhere you go you create problems."

"That's not true," Niall snapped, eyes darkening as he backs up closer to me, as though afraid I'm going to listen to Zayn's words and try to run from him. He looks absolutely agitated, as he typically does when I'm brought up. To him, I'm a sensitive topic.

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