so basically we are currently driving to Seattle for a gymnastics clinic (as i'm writing this) and IM IN ME MUMS CAR
I was going to talk about something but I have forgotten.
there is a 7 year old on my team who is better than me on most events WHY
but she's adorable and her hair is fluffy so I can't be madAGH
I shall save this now and if I COULD JUST REMEMBER WHAT IM THINKING OF i'll post it here l8r ^-^
Bye for nowYo
I just got done with the gym camp which was vv tiring
I have had 3 ice cream sandwiches because #yolo
I shall post this once i get home
bye byeoh cheeseburgers
i am sorry
it's about a week after that last part and I completely forgot this existed
i shall upload now
please don't attack me