A Look Ahead: The Second Letter

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  Dear Grace,

I know that a lot has changed over the years. Hopefully they've changed for the better. I no longer want to be a detective. I found what I truly want to be when I'm older. Yes, I still want to be an English teacher- that dream hasn't changed since the second grade. But the main difference is that I want to make a difference in some one else's life. I want to be the one person they think of when they think of the person that changed/ influenced them. If I can do that for just one person, then my life will have been worth living- even through all the turmoil that I've gone trhough in this tragic life. I'm now in the Eleventh Grade- my junior year of highschool. It's 1/14/15 now. Rose has been in college for a while now, and the solitude at home has been the most theraputic thing that could happen to me. A few months back I was put on anti-depressants. I see Dr. Kyger once a month for checkups now too. I've been active in the choir. I hope you've continued doing something theatrical/ artsy throughtout your life. I also hope you've decided to finish that book about ourself. There's a ton that could go into it. You should still write a book to your students too so that they can't sparknote it or anything like that. I wish I could say that between the last letter and this one things got better, but that's not nessicarily true. I still feel like that worthless, pathetic creature in the corner. My head is filled with concreate most of the time. I'm not worth a damn. When the history of the world is written, my life won't be included. That's okay with me. I rather go unnoticed for the rest of my life. Alone protects me. I built up a wall around myself, and before I knew it, nobody knew me. I learned it was better to keep quiet than to speak out at all. What's the point in being noticed when you've never been in the first place? I hope that you've gotten better. I hope that you're in college or living in a nice house. You know, the one with the pond and the land. I hope you have lots of joy in your life. I hope that unlike me, you are not afraid to speak out. The world needs soeone to speak up. All you need to do is make sure that those being silenced have a voice- instead of losing that one you have like I have. I hope that you are on your way to a successful life. I hoe that you make your parents proud, and that you've figured out your beliefs. I hope that you are alive....in more ways than just walking numbly through the halls of the world. There will be light oneday, I just know it. I hope you have it now. Sometiems I read obituaries and feel jealous of the dead. I hope that's not your life. Write the next time you read thisSlightly More optimissic, but not a pessimistic realist,Grace Ann

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