The Third Letter: A Quick Memo to me

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  Dear Grace,

I only have a few minutes to write as I am sitting in U.S. History right now. I broke down after two years of being clean, and just this week I cut myself 53 times on my arm, and both my ankles. I really, truly hope that it has gotten better for you. I don't want you to live your life as that shadow. Maybe it'll be all better tomorrow, or maybe even in a year- maybe it will take 20 I don't know. But I do know this- one day there will be someone there to catch you. One day there will be someone who is willing to let you cry. One day you will look up at the stars and smile instead of feeling envloped by the lonliness. Please let yourself know that you are loved. "You are clothed in strength and dignity, and you laugh without fear of that future." Please don't live your life hiding behind long sleeves and scars.

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