GEEZ FINE (tagged)

97 11 18

(Offensive warning! If your offended easily turn back now!)

Ok cause literally EVERYONE wants me to do one of these tagged things, Ill do it. But only once! If you really wanna know weird and random stuff about me just read my randomness book, 1000 sad but true facts ಠ_ಠ Its full of my stupid cringe humor. So yeah lets just get this done

1. Any scars?

Yeah. I picked a bug bite on my wrist so I got a tiny one their. And I got another one on my ass. Literally. I shit you not :D .... Im so sorry

2. Self harm?

Suicide is a sensitive topic and its not right to have this question in here! *knocks over drink* ... Im gonna fucking kill myself

3. Crush?

Im 13

4. kissed anyone?

still 13

5. Coke or Pepsi?

soda's soda. But if I had to chose, coke

6.Someone you hate?

Myself :) nah Im kidding.

7. Bestfriend?

seriously do I even have to answer this one? You all know!

8. Done alcohol?

Wow can you believe how 13 I am?

9. Done Drugs?


10. Dream job?


(ok seriously tho I wanna be an animator)

What? Did you actually think Ill take this seriously?

11. Ever been in love?

Yes. Her name... her name was pizza

12. Last time you cried?

Ok guys... where gonna get real personal here. Well... I ATE THE LAST CHOCOLATE BAR IN THE CABINET AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH lerk if u cri every tem ⚆·̫⚆

13. Favorite color?

red like the blood of my enemies :)

(no but really its blue)

14. Height?

to fucking tall

15. birthday?


16. Eye color?


17. hair color?


18. What you love?

poop jokes

19. Obsession?

making terrible and offensive jokes

20. do you love someone?

you peeps .v.

props to the people who got this far

21. Kiss or hug?

hug. Imma sleep cuddlier

22. Nickname?

Mar, Marbear (cause people just do it for some reason), asshole (according to my peers)

23. favorite song?

Un owen was her. Hush Touhou music is amazing

24. Favorite band?

Get scared. wow so emo

25. Worst thing ever?

this tag thing cause Im pulling my hair out trying to make this actually entertaining ಥ‿ಥ IT TOOK ME AN HOUR TO GET TO THIS POINT

26. Best thing ever?

The fact that you care enough to make it this far through this book and chapter

27. Near death experience?

The time my heart wanted to stop after losing my shiny houndoom on pokemon X. I NAMED HIM BLUESIES

28. Ever dated?

being 13 is great

29. Worst mistake?

discovering memes

30. Special talents?

Im the king at the penis game

31. Someone you can tell everything to?

*insert clever joke here*

32. Ever lost a love?


33. Do you believe in love?

What the hell kinda question is this? Isnt this the reason why people get married and
have kids?

Im skipping 34 since this was already asked

35. Are you ok?



ok I know what your thinking. "MAR BOI WTF IS UP WITH THESE ANSWERS?!" What? I specialize in cringe humor. So yeah relax. Anyways if you actually liked this let me know! I always enjoy feedback!

(BTW Im not this much of an asshole in real life. This was for good fun and is just a joke so please don't be offended)

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