Zaida and beth (ocs)

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Oh yay I finished a profile! Finally. So anyways here have some info that isn't on the pic

-Zaida can speak, but at her loudest it sound like a whisper. Since she met Beth, she has no need to speak since they can read minds and can translate her speech much clearer to others. Tho if she needs to she would whisper in someones ear if she had to tell someone something private.

- Siblings: Quint (twin) , Jayde (older) , Criss (younger)

- All her summonable spirits are based on the Chinese Zodiac (Beth is the dog)

- Zaida is rarely seen without Beth.

- Zaida's parasol is her summoner staff. The yin yang orb on it connects to another world where her spirits come from.

- Beth doesn't like their home world as much as they like Zaida's world so they prefer to stay with her. occasionally they will get a little home sick and tells Zaida they will be going back for a little while.

- Personality (Zaida): Jolly, Bubbly, Quirky, outgoing, impulsive, doesn't like to much attention, friendly, not flustered easily, oblivious to most things

- Personality (Beth): Always on guard, quick to judge, careful, bashful, smart, clever, can be mischievous

welp thats all I got to write. Tell me what you think of them in the comments and Im always open to suggestion.

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