Guess who is making a comic?! (undertale)

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So finally after two months of trying to think of an idea, Ive finally done it! I will be making a Undertale comic! And no its not gonna circle around Sans and be all serious and sad and shove in a forced terrible joke every so often. No. Its gonna be about Undyne and Chara and Im gonna try to make it as funny and lighthearted as I can. Why am I telling you this? Well guys I need some help! I need you guys to share some ideas in the comments based on the summery Ill post below. Don't worry, Ill credit you in some way if I end up using the idea. Anyways here's the summery

Chara always had an interest in combat. Now she does more then ever before cause she now has a little sibling who really doesn't do well in protecting herself agents bullies. Because of which, she feels its her responsibility as the older sister to protect her. Also Chara was revived with a monster soul, their fore giving her the ability to use magic. But she really isn't good at controlling it, and trying to use this normally ends in a disaster. Knowing these two things, her mother asks her friend Undyne to train her to become stronger and learn how to use magic.

Yeah thats kinda just a idea I jotted down. Anyways, let me know if you have any ideas! No idea is a bad Idea folks!

(And no before you ask, It will not include the genocide run in any way. Im a firm believer that Chara isn't responsible for it)

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