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The tram pulls relatively slowly towards the stop. My fingers claw around in my blue blazer pocket to try and find my two dollars.  As I step up onto the platform I see Syd with a ticket in hand waiting for my money. I glance to the left and breathe a sigh of relief because Richard is not insight. I stagger to my seat, Number 4 on the right, and sit down. I like my seat a lot because only a person as small as me could fitter under the rail.  As I let go of my bag a rather unsubtle noise was made behind me and much to my disbelief a tall, overweight, bad boy with a gangster shirt and tattoos, stands. His breathe smells of alcohol and his shirt is drenched in sweat. 

"Boo", on the verge of screaming I almost make a move when a hand pulls me from behind. "Nelson, you dropped your ticket back there, come with me and we'll fetch it, Yeah?" Sydney exclaims with a blunt face. Gaping I stagger to the drivers compartment where I notice that the ticket is still clenched in my hand...

"Whose that Nels?"
"whose that Nelson?" Sydney exasperated
"Richard" I mumble
"I do you want a Twix?"she says as she picks up the chocolate bowl,
"no thanks"

With a sigh of relief I step off the tram and Laura greets me with the generous smile and a hug. Lolly has been my friend since I was born. We walk down the long steps to the edge of the main hall, very early as usual. We casually strolled to our usual spot on the wall just outside the maths classroom.

"How's it going Nelson"
"look, it's fine" I respond with a glum face.

There is a moment of awkward silence. Lolly stands; she begins to walk towards the tree we sit sit under every lunchtime. Unsure whether to follow her I keep watch as to what she's going to do.
The beautiful flower below the tree's branches has been growing since year one yet has only ever had one blossom and just one pretty flower. Lolly and I swore never to pick it until the perfect situation arises.

She picks the flower; much to my disbelief she begins to walk back. I stand up on the verge of shouting but before I can do anything else, she slips the flower into my blazer pocket.

Most unfortunately, the siren sounds to begin class. Lolly runs across the oval to English, with out saying a word, whilst I make the trek to maths.

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