The Theatre - chapter 2

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To say Star acted the quickest would be an understatement, she slammed all of us back into the movie cinema at lightning speed with a force I did not know her scrawny arms possessed. She began unhinging one of the large double doors in an attempt to close it. Briefly making eye contact, I knew exactly what the frantic girl needed and also rushed forward towards the second door that had yet to be shut.

Glancing back up quickly, I saw the woman was still leaping in our direction, causing me to yank harder at the door. A bang to my right confirmed that Star had successfully shut her door, only leaving me to close my door and stop whatever that lady had done to the person on the floor happen to us. I could now hear the snarling and sctratching of the woman as she hurdled towards us, generating the fear that had settled deep with in my stomach.

With one final tugg at the metal lock, the door flung towards me, knocking me back into the cinema. Grabbing the door firmly, I swung it faster into the other door, hearing a small click as the metal hatch locked together. Just as I was about to turn to the others, a forcefull bang slammed into the door, causing the doors to swing slightly in anticipation. Another bang crashed into the door before an aggressive howl escaped through the gap in the doors. Scratching, kicking, moaning and howls were all heard on the other side of the door as I turned to look at the other three girls who looked just as scared as I felt.

"What the hell is that?" Her blonde hair shook as Spencer pointed viciously at the swaying doors. I looked at the other girls, Leila who had sat herself on the floor with her back against the wall and her head in her hands and Star who was pacing back and forth shaking her head in confusion. I then realised that my hands were shaking strongly at my sides and my legs felt as if they were made of lead.

"That thing is not real! It couldn't be! I mean come on, it was pratically eating that thing on the ground, and not to mention it looks like a freakin' rabid animal! And sounds like one too!" Her eyes were now glazing over with unshed tears, looking desperate to find answers.

To be honest, I had no idea what that thing could possibly be and the thought shook me to my core. It was definitely not human yet the humanitarian features that were etched into my mind confused and scared me at the same time. The inhuman growls and grunts added further to my theory, well if it could even pass as a theory.

Suddenly as I was thinking about it, the horrifying sound of the creature on the other side of the door was cut short. It's scratching nails scraped down the doors one more time and a small whimper slid through it's cracks. A metal clanking sound overtook the silence after a sob escaped Leila as she stood up from her sitting position. Another grunt was heard, but it was not the vicious, blood boiling grunt, it actually sounded human, something that sparked a tiny bit of hope within the room.

All of us stood there for a moment, taking in the silence and listened to the movie playing in the background. My breathing was calm, but when a soft knock vibrated through the door it caught in my throat from fear. Another small knock was heard again, causing Star to step forward slightly. Spencer shook her head furiously at Star, who in return shrugged her shoulders and stepped forward further.

"Uh...Who is it?" Star asked nervously through the door. Leila looked at Star as if she was stupid enough to try and steal Voldemorts wand.

"Are you kidding? 'Who is it?' It's probably that stupid thing that tried to eat us, and now you're going 'Who is it?'. Geez Star-" Her whispering was cut off by a quiet voice muttering something on the other side of the door.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" I asked loudly, walking closer to the door.

"Umm...Sorry. I just said that it would be lovely if you could let me in. You see, I don't really want to be standing out here with two dead bodies alone, know." A nervous chuckle followed the deep whispering.

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