ELEVEN - the secret's out

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This fan fiction will contain lots of blood, violence, gore, and language (so don't read it if your not into that stuff). This is an original idea using the Bleach characters and cast. I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and its characters. Please feel free to continue leaving me your comments and reviews at the end to tell me what you think. Thanks and enjoy!

Special symbols: "regular speech", (author notes), Italic - mental thoughts/telepathy, Bold - demonic speech, CAPS - attacks

Eleven - the secret's out

It was a day later as Ichigo entered the school grounds. His I-pod was playing "Whisper by Evanescence" (and yes this was playing in my I-pod when I wrote this chapter) as he tried to piece together what happened yesterday. It seemed that he and Darichi had taken on a new form as now he had mysterious wounds on his body that wasn't healing. He could remeber seeing Orihime being attacked and feeling her fear. Ichigo could remember feeling his blood boiling and this dark energy consume his body. Darichi never fully told Ichigo what happened as he knew that his counterpart had his reasons for remaining silent. Ichigo could feel someone tap him on his shoulders as he pulled out his ear buds turning around to see Orihime. Ichigo turned off his I-pod giving the girl his undivided attention.

"Orihime, what's up?" Ichigo asked.

"Ichigo, do you believe in fate?" asked Orihime as Ichigo looked at her rather confused.

"Not really, why do you ask?" replied Ichigo.

"Well, I can't go into full detail. But I think that I have met the one whom I have been waiting for. It happened yesterday on my way home when I was attacked. This person saved my life as I could tell that he was incredibly special." replied Orihime.

Is she talking about me? Doesn't she know that we are one in the same? asked Darichi mentally.

Of course not. We left without telling her whom we are as we told her to forget about what happned. Besides that, when are you going to tell me what happened to us yesterday? Ichigo asked mentally.

We will talk about this later on in the mindscape. replied Darichi. Ichigo knew that whatever his other half had to say was extremely important.

"That sounds nice Orihime. I am glad that you had found someone. So why are you coming to me with this?" Ichigo asked.

"Well, I am a bit confused by something. This person that I had met reminds me a bit of you. Its not his appearance but his manerisms. I know that this is impossible so I had to see for myself if I was going crazy or not." replied Orihime which caused Ichigo and Darichi to curse silently.

Impossible, how could she had figured it out? asked Darichi mentally.

Don't ask me. Besides it seems that she isn't too sure. replied Ichigo as he turned towards Orihime smiling slightly. "The reason to why he possibly reminds you of me is because in your mind you wanted someone familiar to associate with rather than a total stranger." stated Ichigo as Orihime looked at him shrugging her shoulders.

"I guess that your right. I guess that I just needed someone to talk to. Thanks Ichigo, you are in deed a good friend." stated Orihime as she hugged Ichigo kissing him on his left cheek. This caused Ichigo to blush slightly. As Orihime walked off both Tōshirō and Renji walked up to Ichigo.

"What was that about?" they both asked in unison.

"I will tell you later." replied Ichigo.

It was during science class with Jūshiro Ukitake when an announcement came over the main speakers for all staff to turn on the television sets in the class room. All of the students were told to remain in their current class rooms to watch the news report that was coming in. All the television monitors flickered as a man appeared in the screen wearing a green and white striped beach hat.

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