EIGHTEEN - final battle

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This fan fiction will contain lots of blood, violence, gore, and language (so don't read it if your not into that stuff). This is an original idea using the Bleach characters and cast. I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and its characters. Some of the attacks that I am using are of my own creation as I went online to find English to Japanese translations others are from the series its self. Please feel free to leave me your comments and reviews as I like hearing what you think. Thanks and enjoy!

Special symbols: "regular human speech", (author notes), Italic - mental thoughts/telepathy, Bold - demonic speech, CAPS - attacks

eighteen - final battle

After killing off the two Daemon Lorde's, the Daemon army began to retreat. It seemed to them that the Shinma had become even stronger as he know had the power that rivaled that of the Daemon Lorde's. Darichi and Ichigo both knew that it wasn't over yet.

Come on out Kisuke Urahara. I know that you are out there. It is about time that we ended this once and for all. All of your creations have been defeated and your army is too scared to face against me. snarled Darichi. A man stepped out of the crowd wearing a pair of wooden clogs and a green and white stripped beach hat.

"Your right Shinma, it is time that we ended this. I have clearly under estimated your tanasity and skill as you have defeated every singe obsticle that I have thrown in your way. I will see my dream realized even if it kills me." growled Urahara.

There is a better way to do this than to rage a war against humanity. Why are you so intended on killing humanity when you yourself are human? asked Darichi. This caused Urahara to laugh as both Darichi and Ichigo could feel that there was something wrong.

Careful Darichi, I don't like this. Ichigo told his dark half.

"I am not human, not any longer. You see they were only a stepping stone. None of them could ever live up to my expectations. But you are different. Why are you so keen in protecting these misserable humans? Is it because of your duty, or is it because you were raised by them, or maybe the fact that you are a part of them? We Daemons are better than them, far more superior. We should be rulling this world, we shouldn't have to hide. Daemons have a right to exist." snapped Urahara.

I won't disaggree with you but there are better ways than to kill humans. Yes Daemons should step out of the shadows but not to rule humanity, we should live with them peacefully. The rules could be rewritten but, instead you have opted to do things the hard way. I can sense the darkness within you Urahara, whatever part of you that was human is no longer. The only way that you will ever achieve your dream is over my dead body. snarled Darichi.

"That's what I plan to do Shinma!" stated Urahara as he hunched over in pain. His body began to painfully shift into a form never seen by human eyes. Urahara was becoming a human Chimera. His legs transformed into the body of a snake with a long scythed tail. His uppwer half of the body became that of a dragon with three pronged hands. Another two sets of arms had ripped out of his sides as one set looked like a werewolves and the other set looked like a fishmans. His white hair became like a bushy mane of white fire as six sets of horns emerged from out of his head. Two in front of his forehead, another two in the middle, and the last set in the back of his head. Four pairs of large leathery wings ripped out of his back as his eyes became all blood red with no visible irises and/or pupils. A partial skull mask covered his human face as he smiled bearing his fangs. Upon seeing this form, Darichi's eyes widened considerably. Now Benihime! he snarled as in one of his hands a zanpakutō began to materalize. Once he had his sword in his hands, Urahara moved swiftly attacking Darichi. The two swords collided in a shower of sparks and power as black energy (Ichigo) and red energy (Urahara) lept from the two zanpakutōs. Darichi could feel power throbbing through ever fiber of his being. Anger and rage burned within him as the Daemon Lorde power threatened to consume his alive. That's it Shinma give into the dark desires, embrace it! laughed Urahara.

Don't listen to him Darichi. We are not like him. Remember whom you are and your duty! yelled out Ichigo mentally. His human half and Zangetsu's soul and spirit kept his darker tendencies under control.

GETSUGA TENSHÕ (heaven-slicing lunar fang)! snarled Darichi. The energy lept form Tensa Zangetsu catching Urahara at close range, hurtling the chimera back several feet. Urahara stood unscaved from Darichi's attack. Urahara laughed as Benihime pulsed out loud.

HAKAISHA KYUUTEN (heavens destroyer)! snarled Urahara as he unleashed the attack at Darichi. Darichi countered with the same attack hating seeing his own powers used for evil purposes. The two attacks hit as Darichi could feel Tensa Zangetsu pulsing as power flooded his being.

TENMUKEI KOKUSHIKON (heaven spiritual cutting fang)! snapped Darichi as he unleashed Zangetsu's energy cutting through the hakaisha kyuuten attack. Urahara lept to the air spreading open his wings avoiding the attack.

CERO! snarled Urahara as he unleashed a bright red ball of energy from his finger tips.

DESGARRON (laceration)! snapped Darichi as he had learned the attack from the werecat Grimmjow. Seeing this attack surprised Urahara as energy claws cut through the cero. The air around Urahara became much colder. HYÕTEN HYAKKASO (frozen sky-hundred flower funeral)! snarled Darichi as he borrowed a move from the ice dragon. It seemed that the Shinma's allies were allowing him to borrow their powers to use it in defeating Urahara. The ice encased around Urahara quickly before it shattered into a thousand pieces. Dark flames errupted from Urahara.

KUCHIKU ENKOU (destruction flame)! roared Urahara as he set the dark flame at the Shinma's allies whom were protecting the humans.

No...! howled Darichi as he and Ichigo moved as one to protect the humans and their allies. Nothing else mattered to them not even their safety. The attack hit the Shinma causing Tensa Zangetsu to shatter as the Shinma coughed up blood. Huge holes had ripped through his wings as the scythe at the end of his tail had also shattered. Parts of the Shinma's skull mask fell to the ground as he panted heavily.

Why do you risk your life for them Shinma? What are you thinking? asked Urahara in shock surprised that the Shinma was still somewhat standing after taking a hit from that last attack.

We weren't thinking Urahara. It is our duty, our job to protect those whom have allied themselves with us as well as the humans. We have never questioned much about why we are the way that we are. We know that there are people, human beings that we care for out there. We are also part human as we can feel the same emotions that they do. We are willing to put our own life on the line to protect this world that we are glad to call home. We will not allow you to destroy that, no matter what! replied both Ichigo and Darichi in unision. Power, rage, and anger burned as one as the Shinma and Daemon Lorde power combined as one. Darichi and Ichigo rose to their feet turning towards Urahara in anger. They could feel power flooding into their being from their allies as they could the humans silent prayers. This is the end Urahara of your evil ambissions. stated Darichi and Ichigo in unison as they combined all of the power together. JIGOKU-HI TENKA BAKUHA ("hell-fire ignition blast" a combination of both the Shinma powers and the Daemon Lorde's powers combined produces this attack)! snarled Darichi and Ichigo as dark flames, energy, and power combined into one massive attack. Urahara couldn't believe what he was seeing. Somehow the Shinma had assended past a Daemon Lorde, he had managed to over ride the dark aspects of the Daemon Lorde making the dark power his own. Nothing Urahara could do was able to stop this attack from hitting him. For a brief moment a smile appeared on Urahara's face before he was completely vaporized. Darichi and Ichigo fell down to their knees litterally exhausted as they undid the barrier that was protecting the humans. The Shinma's allies moved to their side as they had to get them out of there.

ZEKKU, Daiguren Hyōrinmaru. The large ice dragon emerged forth from Tōshirō's sword. Take him home. commanded Tōshirō as the ice dragon picked up Darichi in his claws before taking off.

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