FOURTEEN - kidnapped!

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This fan fiction will contain lots of blood, violence, gore, and language (so don't read it if your not into that stuff). This is an original idea using the Bleach characters and cast. I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and its characters. Some of the attacks that I am using are of my own creation as I went online to find English to Japanese translations. Please feel free to leave me your comments and reviews as I like hearing what you think. Thanks and enjoy!

Special symbols: "regular human speech", (author notes), Italic - mental thoughts/telepathy, Bold - demonic speech, CAPS - attacks

Fourteen - kidnapped!

Isshin Kurosaki couldn't believe what he was seeing, his own son was being kidnapped from out of the hospital. Grimmjow growled low as he clearly recognized Ichigo's kidnapper. Grimmjow nearly shape changed leaping after Nemu but he was held back by Isshin.

"Grimmjow who was that and what does she want with Ichigo?" asked Isshin. The werecat knew that if he did something rash, Ichigo could be hurt so he played it safe.

"That was Nemu Kurotsuchi as she works with her father Mayuri Kurotsuchi for Kisuke Urahara. If I had to guess, somehow they figured out that Ichgio is the Shinma." answered Grimmjow. Both Isshin and Grimmjow went into Isshin's offie to find a file on the floor, Isshin bent over picking it up as he looked over the file he began to curse out loud.

"Shit! I think that it is much worse than that. It seems that this Urahara wants to use Ichigo in an experiment to create something called a Daemon Lorde." repiled Isshin.

"That means that they have no idea that Ichigo is a Shinma." stated Grimmjow.

"Just one question, what in the world is a Daemon Lorde?" asked Isshin.

"A Daemon Lorde is exactly the same as a Shinma only they are pure evil. Who knows what this will do to someone like Ichigo whom is all ready a Shinma. But why would Urahara want Ichigo?" asked Grimmjow.

"According to the file that Nemu had dropped, Ichigo's health is perfect for them to experiment on. The only flaw they see in him is the blackouts but those blackouts were caused by Darichi when he took over Ichigo when he was younger and had no clue what he truly was." replied Isshin.

"We have to do something to help out Ichigo and Darichi, I owe them that much." snapped Grimmjow.

"I understand your concerns Grimmjow as this is my son we are talking about. Let me make a phone call. Ichigo's best friend know his allies as he could help us out." Isshin stated calmly causing the werecat to grumble but he understood what the human was implying as it was better to have a group rather than to do this alone. Isshin sat behind his desk picking up the phone to call Renji.

Please be all right Ichigo. Isshin thought to himself. He knew that Ichgio could fend for himself but he couldn't help but to be concerned.

Meanwhile...Nemu entered the hideout with a still unconscious Ichigo. Urahara waited for the teens arrival anxiously.

"Here he is as promised Master Urahara." stated Nemu.

"Very good Nemu my dear. Did any one see you?" asked Urahara as Nemu shook his head no which caused Urahara to smile. "Excellent, bring him into the examination room. We will begin right away." stated Urahara. Unknown to anyone was that Darichi was fully conscious hearing and seeing everything that was going on.

This isn't good, Ichigo wake up! Darichi yelled at his human half. He tried to take over his human half with no success, it was as if something was blocking him from his human half. What in the world are you planning Urahara? There is no way that you could know that Ichigo is the Shinma that you have been looking for so, what are you up to been looking for so, what are you up to? Darichi asked as he watched hopelessly. Nemu wheeled Ichigo into the examination room over to her father. Mayuri looked just as excited as Urahara about the project that they were going to begin. Nemu picked up Ichigo placing him onto the bed as he was strapped down. Urahara entered carrying vials and data over to a nearby table.

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