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Harrys POV

Niall looks so hurt and dissapointed, to be honest, and i dont think its cuz  she didnt know he was talking about her, its cuz she doesnt look the tiniest bit sad that niall likes someone. does that mean she doesn't like him? im confused, but now Niall looks like no words could come out of him, i was about to speak up, but Liam did

"umm, can you tell us exactly what you heard?"

"well, i heard someone yell zayn's name, then it was quiet for a sec, after that niall started to talk about a girl" she answered and got exited when she said the last part.. she putted a small smirk on her face and kept talking "so, who were you guys talking about?"

"w-well, umm, a-atually, i-i was, " i tried to focus on him but since i cant understand his shuttering, i decided to give up. i found out that my gaze landed on lexi again. not to sound like a creep or anything, but i'v been doing that since i saw her this morning, everything about her is just so, just so attractive, i'v known her for less than 1 day and i already know she's going to be a big turn on for me. i noticed her looking around the room and her eyes were about to meet mine so i quickly turned away to face everyone else. i noticed that everyone was quiet, no one was talking and the boys exept for niall look like their trying to hold back chuckles.i think louis even shead a tear. i leaned back on the couch to talk to liam

"what just happend?" i wispered to him while keeping my eyes on niall. he made a small snicker before answering my question

"well, apparently niall's just auditioning for a play called 'cheese burgers and jelly babies"  at a time like this, only niall would say that

"but, why didnt he just say that he was practicing to tell a girl this? i mean, by that reaction, she probably doesnt like him" i wispered to liam. 

"he probably thinks theirs still a bit of hope for him. or he was just being himself and said something random" we both looked at niall with curiosity, turned back to each other, and said

"probably both" we both silently laughed and the conversation started again with caitlen asking something

"cheese burgers and jelly babies? you expect us to belive someone even WROTE a play called cheese burgers and jelly babies?!"

after a while of niall trying to convince caitlen, she finally gave up and stoped asking him questions

"dinners ready!" i could hear Johannah (louis mum) yelling from the kitchen. the boys all ran to the kitchen while the girls walked. when we got there, the seating plan was:

                  Niall      Harry     Louis

Johannah                                       Liam 

                Zayn      caitlen     Lexi

when we went to the table, louis, niall and i were all really happy about what we were eating, we had chicken with side dishes that were potatoes, sweet corns, and of course, carrots. we all got seated and started to eat. we were all talking but caitlen and lexi would sometimes wisper to eachother and end up laughing at something. I would also see that zayn and caitlen would also wisper to eachother and niall would always look at them intencely. when we were almost done louis started talking to lexi

"saving the best for last are you now?" he said to lexi while keeping a smirk on his face. all of us including herself looked confused, then we saw him pointing to her plate. there were some chiken, potatoes and even sweet corn left but her carrots looked untouchable. she smiled at him and simply said

"i dont like carrots" . louis looked terrified cuz he expects everyone to like carrots, he slowly leaned himself towards her, then he started to poke lexi's face. she gave him a sort of creeped out face when he started, when he was done, he leand back and wispered to me, but loud enough so the others could hear,

"do you think she's human?" he asked. everyone started to laugh including lexi. her laugh was so cute and sounded so sweet, i almost started to day dream again but thankfully johannah said something 

"louis, its rude to poke girls faces" she said while still laughing a bit, "now, say sorry to her" his mum said while giving him a stern face.

"oh...., sorry "

"for doing what?" Johannah said

"uh, sorry for poking ur face cuz you dont appreciate carrots"

we all snikered a bit more. after that, the boys had there own conversation and the girls had theres. when we were done, us 5 went to louis room whicth was next to caitlens. we talked and wrestled, but we all couldnt help but notice that niall has been awfully quiet this whole time, and we all felt bad.

"niall u okay mate?" liam asked 

"yeah, im fine, just a bit sad" he answered after a sigh

"umm....why dont we try and spy on the girls?" i suggested. niall tried saying no

"no that wouldnt be rig-"

"yeah! lets go lads!" then louis pushed us all to the wall to be ably to hear the girls

**girls coversation**

lexi: urm, cait, can i ask you something?

caitlen: yeah. sure

lexi: do you actually not know who niall was talking about?

caitlen: what do you mean? he said it was a play remember?

lexi: ........right

caitlen:.....k then

then we heard nothing, louis was about to speak up but then they started to talk again

caitlen: so, about who i like, what do u think louis would think?

we all looked at niall to see his reaction after she said she liked someone, he didnt show any emotions but just kept listening

lexi: i thought you said he wouldnt mind?

caitlen: i did, but im just a bit nervous abut telling him. i eventually have to tell him, but i dont know how to

lexi: lets practice then, pertend im louis, and show me how ur planing on telling him

caitlen: okay

lexi: start whenever ur ready

caitlen: hey, louis, can i talk to u for a sec?

lexi: sure, whats up?

caitlen: well, i dont know how you'll feel about this, but i kinda like-"

lexi: you like someone?!

caitlen: lexi, what was that?! i was gonna say it!

lexi: i know, but you gotta admit, he would do that.

caitlen:...... true

all of us were hidding back chuckles while niall was still trying to hear

lexi: okay, lets start from ' i dont know how you'll feel about this'

caitlen: kay, lou, i dont know how you'll feel about this, but i.....i really like zayn


 HI! i know it takes me forever to post new chapters, sry. and i know this isnt the most exiting chapter ever, you guys came here for a lexi+harry story not a caitlen+niall. i promise next chapter will be a bit of both. and what do you think about a liam payne story? should i? thank for reading. 

vote, fan, comment, and keep reading :> 

(p.s, niall said  'cheese burgers and jelly babies' in an inteview, that where i got that from. and does anyone have questions?)

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