School/The Invite

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I walked into school with my head held high. I was so ready for junior year. I look over to find my locker and my best friend Anna is standing right by it. Anna has been my best friend since kindergarten. She has always been there for me between family problems, boy problems, or even friendship problems. I'm so happy to see her.
"Anna!" I say looking at her. She smiles such a huge smile and says "Omg Noel, I missed you so much!!" "I missed you too Anna!" Even though we literally just saw each other just a few days ago. Best Friends just have a really tight relationship like that.
I gather up my books and walk towards my first hour class. There are a lot of new kids this year.
Lunch comes around and I am going to buy lunch since it's the first day and of course dumb me just forgot a lunch. I'm so stupid sometimes. I jumped in line and got a chicken Caesar salad with an apple. Yum. My favorite. I find where Anna is sitting. We just sit alone. I look around while I'm munching on my apple. A few cute boys, not as many as last year.
But I really don't need a boyfriend this year. I mean I've only had one in 2nd grade if that counts but since then I haven't had one. I should really just focus on my academics this year. And I don't play any sports either. I think I'm just too shy to play any. I have a quiet personality. I really don't bother anyone. Besides my best friend. I keep to myself and get through the school day. Sounds like a boring life. That's pretty much what it is. 
I have brown straight hair. It's about medium length. I weigh about 120 so I guess that is pretty skinny for being in 11th grade. I'm about 5'5. That's not tall at all in my opinion.
My home life is pretty simple. My mom and dad are married and i have no siblings. It gets pretty lonely sometimes. My parents aren't strict but they aren't very lenient either. I don't know if there is an in between stage. They like me to keep up on my grades and I also like to do that. I don't play any sports so I might as well achieve at something.
Then end of the school day came around. I was at my locker putting away all my books and grabbing my backpack while I feel someone behind my locker door. I shut the locker and see that it's just Chad, one of the school's fuckboys. I hate calling guys that but if it's true then I can't help it.
"What do you want Chad?" He replies with, "I wanted to invite you to my party this Friday, 7 at my place"  "ok" I say with a nervous chuckle
My face just got a tingly feeling. I'm such a quiet person that nobody ever invites me to parties. So this is actually like only my 2nd. I'm excited but I'm not. I know what happens at these kind of parties. Alcohol and sex. I don't know if I'm really into that stuff. I'm not really a bad girl.
I walk out of school and hop in my car to drive home. I only live about 10 minutes away from school. I drive a black Escalade. Its so big. I don't know why I have such a big car. But it does come in handy. I pull up to my house and walk in. My parents both work until nighttime so I'm here after school by myself every single day. I grab a snack from the kitchen which just so happens to be fruit. I head upstairs to my room and call Anna.
Noel-Did you get invited to chads party on Friday
Anna- yes! I was just about to ask you if you did
Noel- yes I did. I don't know if I want to go. You know the kind of stuff that happens at these parties
Anna- come on Noel, let loose a little. I think we need to go
Noel- fine I guess I'll go but I don't have anything to wear
Anna- oh I have a bunch of stuff. We can just get ready at my house
Noel- ok I'll talk to you at school tomorrow. Bye!
I hang up before she could even say bye. I'm kind of nervous for this party. Who knows what will happen. Well maybe Anna is right, maybe I need to let loose a little. I eat some of my grapes and look through Instagram. I just got a new follower. I look at their profile. Ethan Dolan?  I read his bio. He goes to my school. Then something clicks. I know who he is!! Another one of the school's fuckboys! I let him follow me. I wonder how he found my Instagram. I scroll through his posts. Pictures of his abs, him partying with friends, drinking alcohol. Gosh I would hate to get involved with him. I clicked the button on my phone to turn it off and I close my eyes. Little did I know, I was going to be involved with him.

So guys this is my first chapter. Talk to me in the comments. Tell me if you like it and if you want another chapter! I'm really excited to make this story. Follow me and vote for this story. Did you like my little cliff hanger?!

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