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Cira stared out at the planet they were about to go out onto. The bright lights of the cityscape hurt his eyes, causing him to turn away. Gemini was loudly shouting at a box since whatever was inside tried to hurt him and Corvius was trying to find a place to land.

"There is NO parking here," Corvius complained loudly and kept looking around.

Gemini hoisted the box up and sat it down closer to a door. He then sat on it and pulled out a small mirror to make sure he looked good.Corvius went to the bathroom and intensely concentrated on getting his eyeliner on. He kept his hand steady as Corvius aggressively parked the ship before anyone else could get to it.

"Fuck yeah,"Corvius shouted and did a little victory dance as he got out of his chair.

Gemini smiled softly and let out a low chuckle.He sounded if you had two cats purring at once and one had a knife pointed at it. Cira rolled his eyes and finished up his last eye before heading out. Gemini quickly followed him and carried the box awkwardly. The bright neon lights were far above them, on buildings that seemed to never end with pathways crowded with people moving from place to place.Cira stared up at them and the colors before turning his attention back to Gemini and Corvius. Soft blue light, from Gemini's tattoos,softly illuminated the walls littered with various posters for things dated years before. Gemini looked around, before walking off with the others following close behind him.

"So what exactly are we doing down here," Cira asked.

"Well, the guy who's paying us lives down here, and apparently this is the only place lil Corvo over there could park," Gemini explained happily.

Cira tried to ignore Gemini flashing him a smile and failed. Gemini quickly gave the box away before looking for a way up.Cira glanced at his butt as they walked up the stairs. He quickly looked around at the scenery. It was a pleasant, but bright, change from the darkness below them He got distracted by a illuminated advertisement with the words, DO YOU REMEMBER?, next to Cira's memory of his dad hugging him tightly playing.

"Don't you think it's neat that they can do that," Corvius asked and looked up at it.

Gemini shrugged and looked into a building. He seemed to avoid looking at the sign at all costs and quickly went inside.He looked through all the clothes even though his closet was full of the same exact outfit every single day. Corvius went upstairs and Cira was left to his own devices. Gemini quickly slapped a patch onto his arm and quickly explained it was to pay for things and he had a 40 thousand limit. Cira nervously looked around and decided he should go to the pet store to check what cute animals they had. He looked at the back of the sign and it said, DON'T WANT TO REMEMBER?, but cira ignored the picture next to it, already knowing what would be on there. He shakily walked to the pet store trying to forget whatever memory the sign brought up. His face quickly lit up as he saw all the cute animals and he walked to the area filled with small fluffy gray tiny deer like creatures.They galloped towards him and attempted to play with him as he sat down. He giggled and tried to play with all of them.He checked the price and started doing the math in his head on how much all of them would cost if he got all of them.

Gemini climbed up to the rooftops and looked at what the vendors had up there, one of his old friends dragged him off to a party. The lights reflected off of her horns and revealed a whole array of colors hidden in them.

"Lady, I got somewhere to be," Gemini shouted over the music.

"Dude, stay a little while! It'll be fine," She shouted and chugged her drink.

Gemini shrugged and followed her deeper into the party. He decided he could kill some time.

Corvius was hanging out in a small cafe, talking to a few people and frowned as one of them handed him a small crystal shaped object. He spoke quietly to the two others, before they left and he headed back to the ship. He walked into the room and pressed a button on it. He quickly registered the area around the person before looking back at them. They were still wearing an outfit that most aristocrats wore. Their ears twitched as they talk and their red eyes seemed to light up when they mentioned Corvius, but then they quickly looked down and frowned for a moment.

"Xen," Corvius quietly mumbled and paused the log.

Cira was the next to arrive with his army of small gray deers, and Gemini showed up the next day with a few things of his missing, and extreme confusion about all the deer.

"Lets just...go home,"He mumbled and shuffled off to his room.

"I can do that," Corvius exclaimed and walked off to his seat.

Cira stayed in his room feeding all of the tiny deer happily.  

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