You Are What You Eat

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You are what you eat. That's what my mother reminded me of everytime I reached for another chicken leg in the seemingly endless bucket of grease and fat. I didn't fully grasp her meaning and i'm not sure she would have the same later thought as I did about that statement.

Somehow I don't think she would imagine me running through a forest at night either but here I am. I know they're still chasing me, seeking me. I can see the lights, and hear the shouts. It's not looking good for me, all of my hiding spots have been exhausted. If I don't take a break, i'll probably have a heart attack. Leaning against a tree I see eyes glowing in the bush to my right, and then...

Wait! You're probably lost, that's my fault for starting at the most recent event in the story of my life. Here, let me start at the beginning.

I was a chunky kid, and only seemed to put on more weight as I transformed into a teen. My belly was the subject of ridicule from every skinny bully, especially those with a six pack. I spent most of my days wallowing in my sadness...and food. Simply put, food made me feel warm inside, and I took that feeling over trying to make friends. I blame God, he gave me an extraordinary taste palette.

Then there came a ray of hope. Her name was Narci O'Ver. A tall beauty with hair as red as a freshly picked apple prime for a pie. Her skin was as smooth as silk.

Anyway, I was on the bleachers, overlooking my fellow gym classmates futilely chase a black and white ball up and down a field, when she approached me. I prepared myself for a flurry of insults, but was shocked when I lowered my hands to find a bright smile. I expected a horde of bullies to appear from behind, hence the smile, but there were none.

"Hi, i'm Narci O'Ver!" The voice of a goddess.

"I...I'm Daniel. Everyone calls me Danny," Or as my bullies addressed me, Danny with the big fanny.

"Nice to meet you Danny. Why are you up here alone?" The girl asked, cocking her head to the side. Had it truly eluded her why I was alone. Had she been living under a rock?

Down below was our coach, a man that at least in his healthy heart beneath that barrel of a chest, held sympathy enough to not watch me struggle and benched me from doing anything too intense. He said I was just big boned, and said one day I would shine.

"I...uh...don't think the others like playing sports with me," I said, unless of course they wanted another ball to kick around.

"If it's any consolation, I don't like playing with them either. Well, rather, my parents don't want me playing with them," Narci didn't seem down.

In fact, she didn't really show any emotion aside from joy. Excessive joy and genuine interest, in the sight of me. That should have been, and probably was, the first sign something was wrong with this girl.

I was blinded though when presented her peace offering. A plastic container of brownies, produced from her back pack. Cupid had stabbed with his arrow, right in the gut.

"Would you mind tasting my brownies? I fancy myself a baker, but would love another's opinion. I asked a few of our classmates, but none of them take me seriously. The girls despise me, and the boys seek only to get in...well my pants," Narci maintained that salesman's smile even after her last comment.

"Of course! I would love to!" I didn't need much more prodding. In seconds the case was empty and I was in love.

I'll spare all of the details, but as the days went on we discussed food. As our conversations grew deeper, I learned more about my new friend.

I found out another odd fact about Narci. She was a fitness freak, having to stick to a special diet established for her by her parents. She was also a vegetarian, well in a way. She refrained from all meat, except one type. Her ruby lips remained sealed on what kind of meat though. Pork, beef, poultry? None of those she claimed.

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