Fifth Year

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The Keeper

Harry was frustrated with Ron. Yes, they were best friends, but Ron was letting in every goal! The match was against Slytherin, and Harry knew that if they lost the Slytherins would never forget it.

It was a long match, watching them score over and over. The Slytherins could probably be heard down in England. Their cheers were so loud.

Eventually though, Harry caught the Snitch and Gryffindor won the match. Then he felt a bludger hit him. Crabbe had sent it in anger. However, the match was over so it didn't really matter.

Thankfully, the Slytherins hadn't scored enough to go over the one hundred and fifty points Harry had just scored. The Slytherins gave dirty looks to the Gryffindors, but no one said a word.

Angelina cried out, "Harry, that was great! Ron, you might want to come out and practice some more. Never mind that, though, we won!"

Fred and George shouted at the same time "Party in the common room tonight!"

Harry said, "It's going to be a great year in Quidditch for us." And so with that, everyone on the team changed and rushed up to the Great Hall to eat lunch. What a game.

Dumbledore' Army

"They are sort of nice, aren't they?" said Hermione as she watched her shining silver otter patronus glide around the room.

Everyone heard the door open and close. They all fell silent. Who was it? Harry looked down and saw Dobby tugging at his robes.

"Hi, Dobby! What are you - what's wrong?" The house elf was shaking. The patronuses vanished and the room had become much darker.

Dobby squeaked "Harry Potter, sir...Harry Potter, sir...Dobby has come to warn you...but the house elves have been warned not to tell..."

"What's happened, Dobby?" asked Harry.

"Harry Potter...she...she..." Dobby hit himself on the nose with his fist.

Harry restrained Dobby. "Who's 'she', Dobby? Who could - Umbridge?" he asked, horrified.

Dobby nodded once and tried to hit himself on Harry. "What about her? Dobby - she hasn't found out about this - about us - about the D.A.?"

From one look at Dobby's face, Harry knew the answer. "Is she coming?" Harry said quietly.

Dobby howled and beat his feet on the floor. "Yes, Harry Potter, yes!"

Harry looked around the room before roaring "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? RUN!"

Everyone rushed out of the Room of Requirement. He hoped everyone had the sense to hide in the library or Owlery - they were both closer, and it was only ten to nine.

Harry picked up Dobby and ran out, saying "Dobby - this is an order - get back down to the kitchen with the other elves, and if she asks you whether you warned me, lie and say no! And I forbid you to hurt yourself!" He dropped Dobby and slammed the door behind them. It was already fading away.

"Thank you, Harry Potter!" said Dobby, before sprinting off.

Harry safely ran and hid in the boy's bathroom. He could hear Umbridge run past, but she wouldn't dare come in there.

All of the members of the D.A. went to sleep feeling safe that night, but in the morning they were all rounded up.

Pansy Parkinson had found the list of their names and turned it in. They were all sentenced to writing with blood quills in detentions.


So that last part: Draco was the one to catch Harry. If it wasn't for him, Harry would've made it to the bathroom safely. Yet Pansy found the list so it didn't really matter. Oh and no "Weasley is Our King" because Draco wrote the lyrics, and no Quidditch ban for Fred, George and Harry because Draco was the one who antagonized them. Hope you enjoyed.

Have a nice day!


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