"The Vamps are a boyband"

423 24 10

Shut the fück up.

If you say this to me I won't hesitate to slap your brains out.

You say anything like this, you're getting my hand to your face mate.

Boybands just sing and rarely play any instruments - not saying I hate boy bands because half of the people I like ARE boybands.

Bands sing and play instruments - ALL OF THEM. Every single member has to play an instrument. E-V-E-R-Y   S-I-N-G-L-E   O-N-E.

If every member of your favourite boyband play instruments, darling it's a band. You need to get your bands and boybands the right way.

Let's take some other bands for example.

One Direction - boyband

The Vamps - band

5 seconds of summer - band

Union J - boyband

The Tide - band

Like omg get your facts right.

If you think that The Vamps are a boyband THINK AGAIN.

It's so annoying ugh.

Like shut the hell up before I stick an orange in your mouth.

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